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CTD flying into KIAH.


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    I don't know if this is an orbx problem, or a P3Dv4 problem, or something else, but every time I try to fly an arrival from the west into KIAH I get a CTD. I've tried the TTORO and MSCOT arrivals with the same results. The CTD occurs after departing my cruise altitude, normally FL370 and descending out of approximately FL230, but sometimes lower. Arrivals from the north, south and east work fine. There is nothing in the event viewer logs. The program just freezes, and then shuts down.  I'm using FTX Global Base, Global open LC North America, Trees HD, and Global Vector. I'm not using any airport scenery products. I always use PMDG aircraft. This doesn't happen anywhere else, just KIAH. This happened with P3Dv4.0, and it's also happening with version 4.1, which I just installed. Can one of you guys maybe try a flight from KPHX to KIAH using one of these arrivals, and see if the same thing happens to you? This is really strange. Please don't ask me about my hardware. It's more than adequate. Thanks.

Pete Locascio

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