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Stock FSX Alaska texture morphing.


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In Alaska I am seeing crazy textures where Ice fields should be.  I already tried the "Rapidly morphing textures" thread.  Even after having a completely stock terrain.cfg and without running FTX central Alaska looks like this for me.  Any ideas?  I do have UTX US, but it shouldn't cover Alaska.  I have already visited Scenery Solutions forums thinking it was something wrong with their product but then they showed me a thread where someone had the same exact issue.  Supposedly the only fix was a full reinstall, but that will take hours maybe even days on my system. Any ideas on how to fix this without nuking my FSX and starting over?   Everywhere else (other Than Alsaka ice fields/high mountains) seems to be working fine.  I'm not sure when this started happening. AKproblem.JPG





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Okay, I figured it out.  I'm a slightly advanced user so this would only be for other advanced user.  but this will help you out if your problem is in Alaska.


Morphing textures are caused when FSX/P3D is looking for specific textures but can't find them.  Luckily for me, it was pretty obvious what was supposed to be there.  Ice/Snow.   There are only 10 textures that have to do with snow and ice in FSX... I can't speak for P3D.   So there are a few free snow replacement textures found on the web.  The one I found was called Nieve V.1 on Simviation.  On a hunch I downloaded this file. It contains 10 textures. When I installed the textures into the Scenery world scenery there were 10 files but it only asked me if I wanted to replace 3 files.  That means I was missing those 7 files and the absence of those files were causing the texture morphing.  Then you get the new terrain.cfg and and essentially follow the thread that I mentioned earlier about morphing textures. This works for any missing textures you just have to know what the textures are supposed to be. Which was easy in this case or in a desert but in a forest, good luck. Where the files went... That will remain a mystery. 

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