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Airport Not Visible until the last minute

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A couple of times I've had a situation when flying in weather on a ILS approach that I can't see the airport until the very last minute and just pops out of no where. This happened at KSNA during the day and at another airport at night.  I have the Southern California pack and Rex 4 Texture with soft Clouds. I also use Active Sky Next. Pretty much a stock Steam Edition of FSX.


The second time was at night and no weather in the area, just really dark. I could see the roads, lots of night amber scenery but no airport, then all of the sudden there is the airport. Both times happy to see a runway but freakishly too late.


This does not happen all of the time so I am trying to understand what setting could control this. Is it FSX, Orb So Cal scenery, Rex 4, Soft cloud, Active Sky Next.


If you can point me in the right direction - thank you.

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