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Anybody given this a try ?


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Yep ... spent $400.00 (NZD) a couple years back and flew for 3 hours (plus a half hour thrown in as we were having a great deal of fun!)

Best experience a simmer could have and the worst! How?  Made me want to build an entire cockpit when i got home!  ::)

Took a little getting used to not using a mouse to turn dials etc but the experience with the PMDG 737 systems etc made the transition to the real thing a breeze! I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to see how it feels in the real thing ...

Do it again??? YOU BET CHA!!

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Tried it on the Gold Coast earlier this year (737NG). I fully endorse Doug's comments. It's a great experience. The scenery was only default FS9 though.

Highly recommended, but you'll get the most out of it if you're familiar with IFR procedures and Boeing aircraft systems in FSX, e.g. 767, 747, or 737.


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been on the one at darling harbour and the goldie twice. absolutley awesome! fs9 scenery for sure, but within 30 secs in the air, it was so totally immersive you either don't notice or don't care! i have flown coolongatta to hervey bay, brisbane to hervey bay and back, and twice from sydney to brisbane. everything i did was from what i learnt flying 737s' on FSX. whilst i didn't do the start up or shut downs, and if we had any failures, in that virtual world with me sitting in the captains seat, i and all passengers would have been dead.......... I haven't had enough time yet to learn all that yet. what i did do was all taxiing, and everything in between to finally landing then parking at the next gate. to be fair, i still got lots of advice during these flights. the first flight i did, my wife sat in the jump seat. no kidding, after we'd been airborne for no more than 2 mins, she got vertigo, felt sick and had to lay down in the back of the cockpit!  ;D that's how real the sensation is. i've flown microlites and "unlicensed" taken the controls (with a licensed pilot) of 152s', 172's, 182's, a navajo and just recently a vintage single engine commanche. even had a couple of hours in fiji  racing around in a de havilland beaver with floats! but jets, and all the understanding that's required to fly them is just another level all together. i think i had more fun in a 737 sim, than i did flying in the real world........it's exciting, immersive and expensive. but if u've got the bucks, it's a dream come true......... what the hell, you're only here once, do it! ;);D ;D ;D

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I went to NZ when these first came out was going to go to Christchurch to meet with Mike Pero the man behaind Flight Experience but went to Wellington instead and had alot of fun with Steve Price the owner there.

I was going to start up the biz here but the price tag was too much for me. Mind you Jet Flight Simulator owned by Daniel has been on the goldie for some time and a new one is now at Archerfield.

But not much different to what I was building and one day I will have a full setup again.

My mate dave in Brissy has a good one he even built a shell and is really cool.

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