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Install Opinions - New Hard Drives & Windows 7 Ultimate?


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So some of you may have seen some of my previous posting re: a bad sector problem on the OS partition of my current 1Tb HD. Basically, the bad sector is preventing me from defragging that partition which also happens to have my install of FSX and all add-ons on it. Naturally having a bad sector is not good anyway so I have taken the plunge and ordered a copy of Windows & Ulimate (currently running Vista Premium 64bit) and a pair of 1Tb Samsung Spinpoint hard drives.

Currently my system is arrange like this...

  • 1st 1Tb Drive...

    • C: Partition: OS and software including FSX, addons and other games etc.
    • D: Partition: My documents and other files.

  • 2nd 1Tb Drive...

    • E: Whole disk: Used for backing up both C: and D: volumes of the 1st HD.

Having read the various posts on here about it being best to have FSX on a completely separate drive from the OS is what made me decide to get two new hard drives that I intend to use with the existing backup HD. So in total I will have three 1Tb hard drives for my computer, this may sound like overkill but better to have too much storage space then not enough, plus the price / Gb is much better for the 1Tb drives.

Anyhow, I'm after some opinions with how I use the three HDs with regards to number of partitions, size of those partitions and what disk and partition is used for what purpose. My current thinking is the following...

  • 1st HD

    • C: Partition: 200-300 Gb, used for installation of OS only.
    • D: Partition: 700-800 Gb, used for storing documents etc.

  • 2nd HD

    • E: Partition 500? Gb, used for FSX and all associated add-ons only.
    • F: Partition 500? Gb, used for backing up volume D: on 1st HD?

  • 3rd HD

    • G: Whole disk, used for backing up volumes C: and E:

Although the disks are obviously large and I could partition them into even smaller volumes I'm also keen on avoiding making it all a bit messy and having loads of volumes to keep track of, so ideally I think I'd like to stick with two partitions per drive max. I was considering swapping the use of partitions D: and F:, but to be honest I cannot see any great benefit of doing so as I can't see the documents partition being anymore at risk from disk failure on the OS physical drive to that of the physical drive that will have FSX on?

Anyway, as I said I would appreciate your views as the best way to make use of the new disks once they arrive. It will be good to have all my HD's defragged at last!  :)

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Suggest you reduce your C: to no more than 20 GB for O/S only. D: 200 GB or what you need for other programs. E: 100 GB for all flight sim stuff. All on one disk.

The partition size you are suggesting will take forever to defrag and virus check. There is no point in backing up Orbx and OZx . Both are regularly being updated and if you need them for re-install they will be outdated.

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My 2 cents buy an 80 - 100 Gb for C:\  and Partition it in 2 and have one half your C:\ then edit your registry to reflect changes in your Music , My Documents and all the other shit that clutters and remove it from inside the OS .

Use a GOOD imaging program and make religeous backups of your OS Partition (the most important one) So it can be restored easily.

Other than that the OS won't give a toss what drives you have and use.

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Many thanks for the useful replies. I already had both the HDs and OS on order so was not about to go changing what I would actually have drive wise. Still rather unsure on the best arrangement for what partitions on what disk or more importantly the use of those partitions from a management POV. A couple of thoughts (all three drives are 1Tb so I can afford to be generous with all partition sizes)...

Option 1

1st Drive...

  • C: 200Gb Partition: OS only.
  • D: 300Gb Partition: Documents etc.
  • E: 500Gb Partition: Backup area for other phsical HD partitions (F or G)

2nd Drive...

  • F: 500Gb Partition: FSX plus all associated add-ons - FTX, UTX, REX, aircraft etc.
  • G: 500Gb Partition: All other software, e.g. other games, paint packages SDK for FSX etc.

3rd Drive...

  • H: 1Tb Whole Drive: Backup drive (disk images) of volumes - C, D and F or G

Option 2

1st Drive...

  • C: 200Gb Partition: OS only.
  • D: 400Gb Partition: Software, including games APART from FTX & add-ons.
  • E: 400Gb Partition: Documents etc.

2nd Drive...

  • F: 500Gb Partition: FSX plus all associated add-ons - FTX, UTX, REX, aircraft etc.
  • G: 500Gb Partition: Backup area (disk images) for volumes C & E.

3rd Drive...

  • H: 1Tb Whole Drive: Backup drive (disk images) of volumes - D and F.

Now to me the above options should both give me the same performance with regards to FSX and both give me 1.5Tb of disk space solely for backup purposes. Option 2 seems more logical to me from a disk management (e.g. backup locations are the higher drive letters and will also by the physically lower drives in the case) where is potentially Option 1 (in theory at least) should offer slightly better performance for non-FSX related software because it is being run from a seperate physical drive to the OS?

Any opinion?  :-\

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