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Old dog, new tricks


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With Pacific Northwest on the horizon, it's time to upgrade if I'm to make the most of something special. A rig which was pretty fair a year ago now seems kinda tired -

E6850 Core Duo 3.00GHz

GTX 260 896 mb

8 gig RAM



Vista Home Premium now

Windows 7 Home Premium next week

Dedicated drive for FSX

Resuilts are OK, but could be better - in particular, I  crave the image sharpness achieved by some folk on this forum.

There are so many CPU and video choices and combinations out  there now  that I'm out of my depth, with not a clue on  what fits best with which.

I guess it boils down to a rough idea of what to choose and spend as  I move up one notch, two notches, three notches, whatever. No set budget, but wealthy I'm not, so bang for buck is certainly a consideration...

Any clues would be much appreciated.

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If you want the most bang for the least buck I would keep all your other components and upgrade that CPU to a e8500 Core 2 Duo, then overclock it to around 4 Ghz. 

....and perhaps to save a little more you could make it an E8400 which according to a comparative test I saw recently was able to be o'clocked higher than the 8500 and 8600, but keep in mind how individual chips vary - some may not overclock at all, depends on the luck of the draw among other things.  ;)

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