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Evening Widey's


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Hey mate , settle down , having a go at Franks private life.    I mean , just look at you going around wearing womens clothing by the looks.  >:(              ;)

btw nice shots, wish I had a wide screen

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I ran into a nice fellow at the Oz Flight Sim Expo last weekend and he told me how he uses a 42" monitor for flight simming. I was blown away.

But he did get me to thinking and last week I put the idea in my good wife's head that we should look at getting a bigger LCD. She agreed, so now I'm making the plans to make a new desk to house the (old) 37" LCD and two 24" side monitors along with the yoke, throttle quadrants, bla, bla.

This thing is getting bigger than ben hur. I'm gonna need to expand out to the lounge room next.

Oh, and the Cheetah is a little fetish I have for big cats. I've painted a fleet of these birds for my own fictional airline, "Cheetah Air". It doesn't extend to my bedroom though, Dave......


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Yes, the sheer size.

My 37" is an acer with a prettygood refresh, so I'm looking forward to hooking it up for flight sim, but I may just do a little testing before I make a move.

3 x24" monitors"

Posted Image

1 x 37" monitor:

Posted Image

(these are a little exagerated, but I think you get the idea.)

and then I will have my 2 x 24" monitors available for GPS or other instrument views, etc.


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