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FTX for FSX and P3D

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I have FSX SE and Prepar3D.  I also have FTX with few addons and I wonder how to use FTX on both simulators (obviously I am not using both sims  at the same moment :) )? Currently I am using it for P3D. Should I buy all again? 




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Hi Alex, 


thanks for reply. I just noticed this option, it's great :) I understand that I need to install all addons for both FSX and P3D, right? It looks so, becuase when I installed all for P3D and after I choosed FSX in the FTX there were no installed sceneries. I think I saw somewhere that there are separate bundles for both sims. Right? 

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Yes, each sim will require separate installs of the scenery because we have different files based on the simulator. This is all managed through FTX Central, and it will only show what has been installed in the simulator currently selected.

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