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Funny how no one does a roll on approach.

yes Trev

I used to do roll on approaches !!  And some hair-raising landings when I first got the spit but now I wonder what all the fuss was about. she fly's well

Thanks peoples for your positive comments .

Archie...who are you calling "old"..!!!                                    :D

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Great pics.

Would love a really good Spit and Mustang, a shame A2A have not Accu-simmed their's yet - I can just imagine how good they would be if they were like the Cub. Would really love realitic flight model with excellent sounds etc. Any recommendations, or do you think it's worth holding off for A2A to Accu-sim theirs?  :-\

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Whether an accusim Spitfire would change the flight model...dunno. systems for sure.  what you have is the Real Air spit and the A2A spit.

We had a conversation about this some time back and from that I bought the A2A  , if think the thread is called "which Spitfire to get " or "What spit...."  something like that. Most guy's seemed were saying the Realair was the go. DarrylH was argueing differently saying that the RealAir was  nothing but a fast G.A. and the A2A flew like one and has charactor.

My thoughts...Real air is crap..doesn't feel like, sound like , fly like ( I'm not a R/L pilot). A2A is the best for less. Just to let you know thayt DarylH is a R/l aerobatic pilot plus spending big dollars on a replica sim of the spit using the A2A model. He's done the research.

Mustangs....Warbirdsim or A2A.  First hurdle is about $25 for A2A and $75-80 for Warbirdsim.  The A2A is promised to be accusim, again , no idea if that includes the flight model.

So leaving that hurdle behind , what have you got...they are different models of mustang , however...I find the a2a to be a bit cramp in the cockpit, which is modelled to their normal good standard. The rest of the modelling is not top shelf but adequate. The sound could be better but o.k. and the flight model is alright.

Warbirdsim..never will be accusimed (?) just a standard stick and rudder...but its so easy to love. Great skins..the best. Great sound..havent heard a better merlin...the cockpit is excellent, easily read your instruments and it flies beautifuly .  ...also has extra modelling like the stick control over locking/castoring the tail wheel. Its a nicely put together model  ....the Warbirdsim is a love affair and doesn't dissapiont.

The Warbird  is all over the A2A but what would you expect for the price ...Ive got both and waiting for accusim. In the mean time the A2A doesn't get a look in....and even then , who knows

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Thanks for the info, sounds like the A2A Spit may be worth a look - relatively cheap compared with the Realair one. As for the Mustang I may wait a bit longer and see what comes of the A2A Mustang with regards to Accu-sim. It's not as if I've not already bought lots of add-on aircraft. I went back and tried the Acceleration Mustang a few weeks ago which I used to quite like, but I could not believe how poor it seemed compared with the payware aircraft I have since purchased!  :o

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Well I ended up getting the A2A spit and accidentally purchased the A2A P47 Razorback with accusim at the same time - oops!  ;)

I have to say I was not over impressed with both on my first couple of flights I think I may have hyped them both up a bit to much in my own head before getting them. lol. I'm sure they will both grow on me though. Finding both quite a challenge to land TBH, visibility being the main issue making it very hard to line-up with the runway and hard to gauge just how low you actually are with regards to wheels touching down. The Spit is not too bad in this respect but the P47 is a nightmare. I'm sure this is probably quite accurate and a lot to do with me being an avid manual avoider! Also finding the spit a compete pain once on the ground as even thinking about touching the brakes seems to be enough to cause it to flip right over - not easy when you only have a digital brake button as it were. The Spit is a lot of fun to throw around at low level though.

So bottom line ATM is a little underwhelmed with my two purchases, but I think both will grow on me especially when I find the knack to landing both.  :)

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Well, thats exactly that . You bought a spit and you got one! They are a handful on the ground etc. If you bought the Realair you'll land it no problems all the time and taxi without a care. Boring and not real. To be honest my first impressions of the spit was mixed on the graphics.,just wasn't used to A2A way of doing it ,but , then I began to see it, and now I think it is superb. Give it a few flies and  settle in to it.

I enjoy those initial difficult times of flying a new aircraft, getting used to it. It makes me feel like I'm flying.

I bought the jugg just yesterday, havent install accusim yet. Leave that until I can fly the thing first.  First impressions are excellent. Thank god for A2A.


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Well for the price the A2A Spit certainly is not bad don't get me wrong. To be honest now I have flown it a couple of more times I have got a little more used to it, although I do find the problem with braking whilst on the ground a little irritating, I'm pretty certain the real thing would not flip over at about 5-10 mph if you touched the brakes to slow down. At this speed even if I quickly tap the brake button I am finding the Spit just wants (and does) just flip over.

As for the Jug, be brave and install accusim. I flew that quite a bit more yesterday and started to get into it a bit more, but that was more down to managing the various aspects about the flight model that accusim adds, such as opening and closing the cowl flaps etc. to keep the engine temperatures in the green. Quite a challenging bird to fly, espcially the landings with it's big wide nose our front, the view as you may have noticed is a little limited when you come into land. My tip in this respect is to approach from a higher altitude and almost dive towards the runway to land, if you try to come in low and slow you simply cannot see enough to line-up accurately and it make judging your decent rate visually quite trick due to the poor forward visability. Enjoy.  ;)

Oh, and I just had an accident on the Warbirdsim website and accidentally purchased their P-51 - oops!  ;D

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