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Complaints ???


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I'm getting a bit fed up with the number of complaints about what is wrong  with Orbx and Blue.

In a lot of cases it is the complainer at fault. Delete your VSX folder and half of the problems will be gone.

As a matter of fact I am getting fed up with the number of times I have read "delete VSX". Doesn't anyone read them?

FSX + ORBX + Blue = the best simulator in the history of simulation.

Enjoy it.  And ignore the minor discrepencies. >:( >:(

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Guest J van E

And I am getting fed up with people getting fed up with people... ;D

And what minor discrepencies do you mean?!?!? ;D I'm getting fed up with people mentioning minor discrepensies... ;D

And by now you are probably also getting fed up with people not responding too serious to serious posts... Life is hard and complicated. Luckily we've got FTX to fly our (AU)blue(s) away...

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