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No, Adam? Do I detect the picking of nits? To me, and to every other real pilot I know, CAVOK has at least two connotations. [1] Checking Met before a serious cross-counry: no cloud below 5,000, vis 10k or more, no significant weather [2] Scanning the sky, as here: "Great flying day." BTW, I'd be interested to know how you managed to measure my cloudbase.

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ahhh well I am a long time fsx default weather engine user. default weather engine places cumulus at about 2,500ft-3000ft not above 5000 so this is how I know. just as an FYI I am a real world Pilot thank you very much.

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ahhh well I am a long time fsx default weather engine user. default weather engine places cumulus at about 2,500ft-3000ft not above 5000 so this is how I know. just as an FYI I am a real world Pilot thank you very much.

Correct Adam, I am also a real life pilot! Some people need to consider "flaps 30" instead of "flaps 5" for arrival  ;D  ;D  :)

The picture above looks quite nice, scenery is terrific. Although wouldnt account that being "CAVOK" exacly  ;)

Those clouds to me look below A050 ;)

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