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The Pig going sonic


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Hi All here are some shots of the Pig going sonic

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as you can see by the last image the dump and burn is very spectacular.  ;)

If anybody is interested there has been an update to Alphas F111 all @ simviation, you can search for them or you can download the package that I have bundeled up.

You will need Aplhas F111 to start with, and in the package is the files to give the Pig a cockpit overall and update plus bonus RAAF texteures for it.

Download files http://barrantha.com/downloads/F111_Hud_Package.rar


regards Barry

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Great shots , Luv the Pig , one of only a very few military aircraft that flies extremely well in FSX .

Great idea that bundled package , was much appreciated , very good work .

Currently have created a radar with AI , all NAVAIDS, terrain contour relief, etc all on/off selectable.

Must work on integrating that carrier gauge into the panel .

Will upload revised panel to freeware within a couple of months.

Have several ideas for new and improved instruments for progressive upgrades

Was the clipboard of any use ?



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