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Project C.O.B Part1


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Dateline:10.10am Zulu, that's just after Midnight in the northern States of Oz, for you non-military types

Location: Somewhere at an airfield above the border

Weather: cats and dogs

Visibility: 2 nm

"Cargo 744, 5 nautical miles, inbound to land"

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"What is this, I don't have any flight plans here for a 747?"

"Take it easy, Rod, I got this one. She's a private charter with a secret payload with clearance right the way to the top."

"This is Tower, Cargo 744, you are cleared number 1 to land, runway 19"

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"Cargo 744,this is tower, exit runway when able, Contact ground.

Cargo 744, Ground, taxi to Hangar 57

This is ground, taxi to Hangar 57 via A9 A A7 M M2.

Taxi to Hangar 57 via A9 A A7 M M2, Cargo 744."

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As the pilot does his shut down and the engines wind down, the sounds of Hangar doors opening and maintenance personnel streaming from the hangar split the night air.

The nose of the 744 opens to reveal 3 large crates within.

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"Jesus Eddie, what they got in these boxes, Bloody house bricks?"

"Dunno and don't care, Ralph. At a hundred bucks an hour I don't ask questions. Now keep pushing!"

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And so it begins................

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