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Interrupted Downloads - Can't "Clear Unfinished Downloads"

Acadian Muse

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Friends, I've made a couple of boneheaded errors with FTX, and need some help.


* I tried to install my OrbX products on a 100G SSD drive that turned out to not have enough room on it. Had about 20gig free after Win7 + FSX, though it was enough. So...

* Downloading all my products filled the HD and bombed overnight, where I left it running.

* I removed all unfinished downloads from the queue in FTXCENTRAL3...

* but didn't gain back any space on the HD

* I tried SETTINGS / Clear Unfinished Downloads, it had no effect either, no regained space back on the SSD, nothing happens

* Also the Libraries module has the UNINSTALL button greyed out so I can't uninstall it as I did the others.


(I have another Win7/SSD installation on the same machine that does have enough room, and will be using your products there, as I like them a lot.


I'm sure you have been asked before, but please register another plea that you write an uninstall program that will remove everything FTXCENTRAL has installed? For when mistakes happen and you just want everything that was changed/installed, put back? People move their FSX installation to other drives/machines all the time, and doing so leaves a lot of uneeded FTX stuff on the original computer. Thanks!

Keep up the good work,




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