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How Things Change....


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I was out walking this morning and was under the flight path approaches to YSSY Rwy 16R and 16L.  As the curfew broke at 6am, the first aircraft was an A380 from Singapore Airlines and the a procession of A330s and A340s until I finally saw my first Boeing, probably the 10th aircraft in line, a 747-400 from United, then a 747-400 from BA.  Following this came another procession of A330/40s and A320 all in the lead up to 6.20.

It just got me thinking, 10-15 years ago it would of been a procession of Boeings 747s, 767s . John Leahey from airbus must be doing his job very well!

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even airports where I not so long ago remarked mainly Boeing types, especially 747s, notably Amsterdam, have seen a turn round, the national carrier now flying A330s makes a big difference. But the Boeing 747 still has a big presence there.

Have you seen SIA now have more A380 than 747s which they have nearly all phased out. Can't say the same about the 777 though, so I guess Changi has a predominantly Boeing population.

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