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PMDG J4100 Jetstream


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There is a framehit for the VC (say about 8-10 over a Carenado VC for me)

But quite flyable ... and very nice systems and cockpit modelling.

EEK! 8-10 FPS hit on an i7 with a GTX280??? That might be a deal breaker for me, anybody else with the same results?  :o

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I'm just downloading now and will be looking at the aussie paints for it.

I've got a bunch of pics and the Ozzie liveries are quite plain.

I reckon this thing was made for the small airports like Tamworth....oooh, can't wait


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There is a framehit for the VC (say about 8-10 over a Carenado VC for me)

But quite flyable ... and very nice systems and cockpit modelling.

EEK! 8-10 FPS hit on an i7 with a GTX280??? That might be a deal breaker for me, anybody else with the same results?  :o

Me too. A 10 FPS hit would take me into low double digits so may have to pass on this one until I get a new rig.
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There is a framehit for the VC (say about 8-10 over a Carenado VC for me)

But quite flyable ... and very nice systems and cockpit modelling.

EEK! 8-10 FPS hit on an i7 with a GTX280??? That might be a deal breaker for me, anybody else with the same results?  :o

Me too. A 10 FPS hit would take me into low double digits so may have to pass on this one until I get a new rig.

With VC displays on medium, and no icing effects in the cockpit, I pull a steady 30fps on an E7300 + HD4870 512mb.

Dont be afraid of this bird because of frames.

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Hmmm - I should point out that I fly with all sliders to the right, and every option ticked.

I don;t think this is a framekiller.

Corei7-940@3.4, GA-X58-UD5 (F6 Bios), 6G OCZ-DDR-3-1600, 76G SSLx2, 300G Velociraptors x2, 1Tb Spinpoint, Vista64 Ultimate, XfX GTX280-XXX Edition, TH2Go, 22" Samsung x ...............and this is why.

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HAHA yeah. I just finished the tutorial flight in it. I took me 3 hours of programing to get set for takeoff LOL. Fantastic flying but.......


You mean it takes 3 hours from cold and dark to take off? That much? I was considering this, but I don't usually have that amount of time  :(


Juan Andres

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HAHA yeah. I just finished the tutorial flight in it. I took me 3 hours of programing to get set for takeoff LOL. Fantastic flying but.......


You mean it takes 3 hours from cold and dark to take off? That much? I was considering this, but I don't usually have that amount of time  :(


Juan Andres

After doing the tutorial a few times thereby getting to know where all the buttons are, the behaviour of the FMC, etc - I'm sure it would take significantly less, otherwise we wouldn't see the market for the real thing. ;)
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Hmmm - I should point out that I fly with all sliders to the right, and every option ticked.

I don;t think this is a framekiller.

Its not a framekiller cause you have a NASA computer pretty much. Not everyone has a NASA computer which can run everything to the right and fly PMDG aircraft at your fps. Im sure if i went to the Kennedy Space Centre and hired one of their computers i would have the same performance as yours  :P

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Indeed, I gather the space shuttle computers are based on 1970s technology.

The main thing about FSX (if you are not running a current generation i7 or similar) is that you need to make some compromises (typically with autogen density or other settings).

Other add-on aircraft kill frames more than this one ... but the question as to frames is always a bit subjective.

FSX is always a good reason to buy a new computer though .....

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LOL Johnny!  I was going to say something about that, too!

I'm on the beta team for the JS41, and with practice, you can get her up and rolling in under ten minutes. 

I did most of my beta testing with flights from YBBN-YCFS-YPMQ and back.  She's right at home there.  Downloading Tamworth now, and I am sure she'll be at home there, too!

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I wish i could get her up and airborn in 10 min. I took me 3 hours the first flight and im not a noob with FMC, FMS' or FMGC's.

You could Adam.

Your very first SS makes me smile as you have not armed the spoilers and it looks like you did not enter your V # :) :) I know.....you just wanted to get in the air :)

Even in the tutorial if you just do PAX fuel and engine start you can get up fast, its learning that FMS thats the time killer :)

Did my first flight from YSTW to coffs no FMS just fsx VFR, no AP, she is a very very nice plane to fly and one hell of a VC to be in :)

The AP made me smile its almost the same as the CS 727, not used it yet but from the 727 I know just how that works, old school FTW :)

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I'm still trying to work out the AP, I can hold a heading and so forth but for some reason it wont hold the altitude I put in?

And the FMS, well I've never been familiar with them hehe, maybe I should take the time to read up on the J41's FMS and learn how it works?

Also nice shots Adam :)

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