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First Tamworth Shot ?


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I'm interested in the performance. I had to do some tweaking to get Hervey Bay run as good as the other airports that I have (YWVA, YPEC, YCNK & YSCH). I had to sacrifice some autogen and all of the road traffic in the process. Now I'm worried that Tamworth would demand even more and there is only so much eyecandy that you can sacrifice before it gets pointless/too much of a compromise.

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That last one especially looks fantastic, but as Jigsaw said a comment on frames would be helpful.

For me so far everything seems great - I have horsepower though an I7 965 @ 4Ghz, Vista64 with 6GB.  I did almost an hours worth of touch in goes in the Carenado Mooney (regular resolution), I began looking for people walking or dogs running on some of the roads while on short final to 30R - nothing short of spectacular.  I did have an odd BSOD about an interupt problem with one processor, but, I consider it a fluke at this point, I also started trying the D3D mod for bloom effects mentioned elsewhere here today.

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