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CPU info ?


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I am thinking of upgrading my cpu from an Intel extreme x6800 2.97GHz to an Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9775 3.2GHz quad core cpu.

Does anyone have a quad core? How does  FSX  run on it? Is there any real advantage in going to Quadcore?

Is there any justification in paying $NZ2300 for a cpu?

Running Windows XP with SP3

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Guest AJT67

G'day Jack,

From previous readings, I believe that the improvement in FSX using a quad core CPU is marginal to say the least, and that is quite a bit of money you're spending. Best I would think to get yourself the fastest dual core CPU you can afford, and 4 gigs of RAM (It DOES make a difference).

Maybe a faster hard drive like a Raptor as well.

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Don't bother mate.. those Quads are more for a server environment not a FS one.

I think at the moment for FSX a Dual Core is a very good buy the E8400. They are actually cheaper than the original E6850's and are slightly faster. You could with the money your talking about build a whole new system and then have the cash left over.

Look these these if your thinking of upgrading

1. You could quite easily with that cash run two Video cards in SLI (not a huge improvement) however probably better than that Quad Core. I read a review of the HD3870's from ATi running in Crossfire to be excellent and reduces wear on your GFX cards as in Crossfire(ATI's version of Nvidia's SLI) they run cooler.

2. 2 new Hard Drives, in RAID for the OS. Another two HD's for RAID for FS. Need to have Motherboard that can support it however you will have the cash anyway to get that. FS will work in a RAID situation as it is reading not writing to the HDD. Writing in RAID is slightly slower however reading from RAID is quicker!

3. Upgrade your RAM to the fastest your Motherboard can handle. There is 1024Mhz RAM out now and 1300Mhz as well. Might as well use it if you can afford it and your motherboard supports it.

4. Give me some of that cash...:P hell... gotta get some money soon to get me a copy of FTX!!  ;D

There is a lot you could do with that money (personally if I had it the missus would have spent it before I could) but I would not invest all of that into a CPU which is really not going to provide a huge jump in speeds for FSX

Hope this information helps.

If you do go along the lines of upgrading some of the other parts of the system, post them here what you are looking at and I and the other guys will be happy I am sure to review it.


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From what I have read here and elsewhere on the web is that you would be better off getting a faster Dual Core and save a bucket load.

I have just orederd a E8500 to replace my E6700 and the changeover will only be a couple of hundred.


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I have a better idea... Wait until FS11 and Nehalem CPUs to make the 'big swap'. By then FS will take noticeable advantage of quad core. Right now you won't benefit much. Nehalem (Bloomfield will be the desktop PC version) will be a complete new technology and a true upgrade. In the meantime i would over clock the he!! out of this X6800 which will give you much better FSX performance than any other stock CPU available today. Invest in a good CPU cooler - that's 80 bucks...

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Guest tennyson57

Just My two cents worth, mate.

I had a core 2 duo 6600 and went to the quad core.

I was told it was crap and that it would overheat and all sorts of rubbish.

Truth is, it's excellent!

But excellent doesn't equate to everything. My productivity (with DVD production and graphic manipulation) is faster and the heat thing is not an issue, probably because I run a Xaser case that has about 27 fans in it....hahaha

Unfortunately, it had very little effect on FSX and in fact I couldn't notice any difference. That having been said, I didn't pay 2200 bucks and the upgrade only cost me a few hundred.

So, my suggestion is don't listen to people who have not used the technology, ask those that have. After all, would you ask a person who rides a bike how good a ferrari is? (I am not inferring that a quad core is to be likened to a ferrari, probably more like a porsche boxter)

Hope this helps!


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I agree with the last post on Quad core,they are just great.

I have got a AMD Quad core(2+2)at 3Ghz,4Gb ram,

8800GTX v/c with 174.51 drivers and is quite fast.

Vista 64Bit Ultimate SP1.

FSX-FTX are running quite high and smooth D10.

I am also playing a game called Crysis, flat out Ultra High on


If you go by frame rate(fps)Intel's Quad cores(high end)are a lot

faster than AMD.

I paid $au1200 for the AMD Quad cores.



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My productivity (with DVD production and graphic manipulation) is faster

Yep, if you do this type of work then the quad core will show it's true colours. Also, buying the most expensive CPU is not a good idea! Currently the best dual core price/performance CPU is the E8400 which is around AUD$300 (they are suppose to be cheaper, but due to shortages most places have increased the price). 

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