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Hi, I just updted to Central 3 and now I cant turn off this Streetlamps.. in Central 2 there was a option to turn the DAY MOD on and so I had really better Peformance (with less lamps in the night and without lamps following all the streets..)!

Now I just have bad Peformance with my PMDG Planes with this Streetlamps also with low settings.. Please Help

I only have Base Pack and openLC EU




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Hi Nico,


The day/night toggle was phased out several years ago when we replaced our autogen streetlights with higher performance models. The toggle was left in FTX Central 2 in case there were users running old installs, but if you are running the latest installers the toggle would not disable anything.

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5 minutes ago, Alex Goff said:

Hi Nico,


The day/night toggle was phased out several years ago when we replaced our autogen streetlights with higher performance models. The toggle was left in FTX Central 2 in case there were users running old installs, but if you are running the latest installers the toggle would not disable anything.

Hi, so I cant do anything and just have to live with this lights?

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Orbx streetlights haven't been able to be toggled since around 2013, so there's not much that can be done. The old toggle was legacy from pre-Global. Now streetlights have the same performance efficiency as autogen trees, and can be adjusted by the same slider.


In short, using the toggle on anything but a very old installation only had placebo effect.

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