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So what is the best AI package to use with FTX AI

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Here's the lowdown: WoAI have a few very good Australian packages with better models than FTX AI, but don't include the many smaller airlines. You will find those ONLY in FTX AI. If you don't know how to install your own, and fly only in OZ, go for FTX AI.

If you fly world-wide and don't care about minor Australian airlines, go for WOAI. The models are better than FTX AI, which unfortunately includes many old, often framerate-hugging models (FSP etc.), and some very inferior repaints, and quite a number of mistakes in livery and airline assignments.

UT2 only includes good models and repaints for major airlines. You'll notice they only ever advertise the models they buy from AIA and the Fruit Stand, mostly large jets. Most of the props are very badly modeled, the repaints are bad, or simply not available. Adding your own AI to UT2 is challenging and not very user-friendly.

If you know what you are doing and have the time, then in terms of quality, the best option is to use the newer WoAI packages for major OZ airlines, then add from FTX AI what is acceptable and discard the rest, and off you go flying in the land of Oz.

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hmmm ok why is it so difficult to sort out?

I do fly world wide as well as oz so now I am totally confussed???

so if I install world of AI how do I keep the best of FTX?

sorry if I am still not fully understanding you

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There are at the moment two virtually identical threads running on this subject. This one here, and on in the General Discussion page.

Basically the problem is that if you use any ai traffic in FSX that is made using the FS9 format then the FSX traffic doesn't show. Thus, if you use WoAI, which is in FS9 format, you will not see the ORBX traffic which is FSX format. It is possible to convert the WoAI traffic to FSX format by using a program call AIFPC, but if you have any amount of traffic it is a lot of hard work as each schedule has to be done separately.

UT2 is made to FSX format, thus my answer to your querie that it was better to go with UT2 than WoAI, but that is your choice.

Which ever way you go, if you have a system that will provide you with world wide ai coverage then you will find dupicate/excessive flights in Australia because the ORBX flights will fly as well. However, it is possible to exclude an area of the world with a little undertanding of the way your products work.


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