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New Connie @ Coffs


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Here’s a few widey snaps of the new Connie at Coffs.

She’s a bit of a handful and will require a bit of gentle handling to get the best from her.

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Beautiful detail in this aircraft and a credit to the guys at Just Flight,


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Hi Frank

Any chance of some HD shots of the VC?

Do you have to do the job of flight engineer/FO etc etc or simple be the captain and fly her?

Shots look great but would love to see and hear from you about the VC, is it as good to use and look at as the out side?.

Oooo what about the sounds? also



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The sound is true Connie and a beautiful thing to hear on "fly by".

Will go get you some shots of the VC. It's impecably done, too.

Did you notice the "animated" passengers in the windows of the outside cabin shot. Man, they've done some work on this old girl!


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Ok, so here is your VC shots. I found no appreciable frame hit in the cockpit. It has less impact than most of my heavies (737, 767, 757) but every bit as complex as those as well.

Don’t know if it was my imagination, but seemed that the exhaust marks on the upper side of the wings got more pronounced as the flight went on. If that is true, those guys have really put in!

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Thanks for showing that Frank. From what I initially saw it seemed like a border line case. Our standards have become high in recent times but on the strength of that my impressions have improved. Is it mostly a clickable cockpit and does it feel ok for flight dynamics?

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The flight dynamics seem extremely real, to me.

Having never flown a connie, I am just guessing, but to me it's as realistic as the Duke or the Level D 767.

The VC is completely clickable (everything I clicked, worked) except the cockpit door. I thought it might have opened and closed, but no.

This is a nice bird to fly, only problem I have is to do with the 4 engines.

I have a Saitek two engine control throttle quadrant and thought I might just map engine 1 & 2 together and the same with 3 & 4, but it doesn't work that way.

Does anybody have any solutions that would allow you to control 4 engines with a 2 engine quadrant?


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