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Special VFR...Hobart...


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Starting decent from 9500 into Hobart in class CHARLIE airspace...

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Theres a break in the cloud lets go through there...No violation of VMC at all... :-\

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This cloud is starting to look scary and its getting dark...We may have to request a flight plan upgrade to IFR..."Hobart Tower Bravo,Alpha,Foxtrot request special VFR"

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Take time to admire the sunset...

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Hobart Tower,C172 Bravo,Alpha,Foxtrot request IFR flightplan upgrade...

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Bravo Alpha Foxtrot maintain 3000ft,report established on localiser,cleared for ILS RWY 12 approach,confirm QNH 1008.

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It was actually a flight from King Island to Hobart,which is a fair way for a little 172 and being higher increases the range of the aeroplane.With the mixture leaned to the correct fuel:air ratio (i think its 5:1) due to the fact that there are less molecules of air for a given parcel of air, the aircraft engine uses less fuel because there is less air, hence range is increased.Also at higher altitudes, the aircraft must have a faster True Airspeed (TAS) for a given Indicated Airspeed (IAS) thereby increasing range.Finally, I like to be as high as possible on over-water flights incase the engine quits!!  ;D ;D ;D

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It was actually a flight from King Island to Hobart,which is a fair way for a little 172 and being higher increases the range of the aeroplane.With the mixture leaned to the correct fuel:air ratio (i think its 5:1) due to the fact that there are less molecules of air for a given parcel of air, the aircraft engine uses less fuel because there is less air, hence range is increased.Also at higher altitudes, the aircraft must have a faster True Airspeed (TAS) for a given Indicated Airspeed (IAS) thereby increasing range.Finally, I like to be as high as possible on over-water flights incase the engine quits!!  ;D ;D ;D

Yes I am aware of this. I fly a C172S
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It was actually a flight from King Island to Hobart,which is a fair way for a little 172 and being higher increases the range of the aeroplane.With the mixture leaned to the correct fuel:air ratio (i think its 5:1) due to the fact that there are less molecules of air for a given parcel of air, the aircraft engine uses less fuel because there is less air, hence range is increased.Also at higher altitudes, the aircraft must have a faster True Airspeed (TAS) for a given Indicated Airspeed (IAS) thereby increasing range.Finally, I like to be as high as possible on over-water flights incase the engine quits!!  ;D ;D ;D

Yes I am aware of this. I fly a C172S

Sorry mate.Didn't mean to insult your intelligence. I fly the 172RG Cutlass...Oldie but a goodie.

Happy flying  ;D ;D ;D

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It was actually a flight from King Island to Hobart,which is a fair way for a little 172 and being higher increases the range of the aeroplane.With the mixture leaned to the correct fuel:air ratio (i think its 5:1) due to the fact that there are less molecules of air for a given parcel of air, the aircraft engine uses less fuel because there is less air, hence range is increased.Also at higher altitudes, the aircraft must have a faster True Airspeed (TAS) for a given Indicated Airspeed (IAS) thereby increasing range.Finally, I like to be as high as possible on over-water flights incase the engine quits!!  ;D ;D ;D

Yes I am aware of this. I fly a C172S

Sorry mate.Didn't mean to insult your intelligence. I fly the 172RG Cutlass...Oldie but a goodie.

Happy flying  ;D ;D ;D

It's ok. I am sorry I was being an arse :P
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