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Help with upgrade pls SSD and Win7


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Hi Guys.

I am happy with my PC E8500 not over clocked, GTX 280 1gb, Asus striker extreme DDR 3 1333 mobo and matching 1333 ram 4gb, also a very good 1000w power supply.

Come Oct i am thinking of a upgrade to Win 7 and a SSD http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=HD-079-SA&groupid=701&catid=14&subcat=910



I have read you dont need to disfrag SSD so I was thinking that with Win7 and a SSD would help fsx run even better.

Is this a good step to take?

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I'm also hanging out for the same.

However, I'm thinking that the 250Gb SSD isn't big enough and am hoping that the 500Gb drives will arrive soon.

There is a really good write-up on the do's and don'ts with SSD's at Toms Hardware Guide. General concensus there is that you don't need to defrag SSD's, but I noticed one of the guys here, who has an SSD has defragged his and to no detriment.

I've also read that Win 7 has built-in code to operate SSD's at their optimium, so can't seem to confirm that, but there you go.

Good luck and keep us informed what you do.


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Hi Frank.

I will keep my 500mb "normal" HD and use it for everything apart from OS and fsx. The problem with SSD imo is there new so there going to get much faster and much bigger so 12-15 months down the line when i do a big upgrade i bet there 500mb per second and 1gb for the price of a 256 atm.


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