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FTX England Problems


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I am having problems with FTX England in Prepar3D V.3.3. Everything was working fine until I was forced to reinstall P3D, I deleted everything I could find relating to P3D including all of my ORBX scenery folders. I reinstalled P3D this morning along with FTX England including SP5 and SP5 Hotfix freshly downloaded from The Flightsim Store, however on a quick test flight from EGGD Bristol International, it was clear that there was problems with FTX England. The airport was surrounded by trees, including palm trees, and there was many clumps of desert textures in the surrounding area as well as odd looking urban textures where Bristol should be. There are definitely FTX England objects such as masts and wind turbines present.










The install of FTX England didn't modify my scenery library, so I had to do that manually.

I have carried out the force migration in FTX Central 2 and the problem is still there. Using the migration trouble shooter tool it generated the attached migration_missing.txt file.

I am assuming it has something to do with the uninstallation and reinstallation but I can't figure out what on earth is causing this. Any help to resolve this issue would be much appreciated.




Order #FSS0512812


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anytime you reinstall of restore P3D (or FSX) you ruin your migration process.

If you reinstall FTX ENG, you need to reinstall latest ORBXlibs. Then play Force migration if it doesn't start automatically. Once the migration is fine, you shouldn't have anymore migration_missing.txt

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Installation is not enough. You have to launch FTX Central, let it synchonize with ORBX servers then go to Settings/Troubleshooting/Force Migration

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Sorry, I should have been clearer. That is what I have done. When I open FTX Central it automatically syncs with the server, I go to the settings/Troubleshooting/Force Migration and run the tool. It jumps back to the Default page and resyncs with the server, it doesn't give any messages regarding migration, i'm not sure if it supposed to give a message or not.

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An update. I didn't have any success with trying to sort out my FTX England problem, so I uninstalled everything following the ORBX uninstallation posts and the Prepar3D uninstallation guides, making sure that no folders were left behind, including deleting the Prepar3D registry entries.

I re-downloaded P3D and installed it, everything looked fine, so I re-downloaded all of my ORBX products and installed them in the order that I originally installed them. I have the following ORBX products:


FTX Pacific Northwest Order #FSS0070940

FTX: NA 3W5 Concrete Municipal Airport Order #FSS0070941

FTX: NA WA56 Israel's Farm Order #FSS0070941

FTX: Trees HD Order #FSS0512629

FTX: EU England Order #FSS0512812


It is now clear that my original problem isn't limited to FTX England but similar texture problems exist throughout FTX Pacific Northwest too. FTX Central didn't prompt me to carry out a migration so I did a forced migration. Again FTX Central didn't give any indication that it had done anything other than re-sync with the server. I used the migration trouble shooter and it said "2 files are missing. The paths of the missing files are saved on your desktop as migration_missing.txt. 65 files have invalid hashes. The paths of the invalid files are saved on your desktop as migration_missing.txt". I have included the migration missing txt file.


What I can't work out is if it is a corrupt download, an installation problem, a migration problem or a problem with FTX Central, as nothing I seem to do has any effect. I'd be grateful for any help with this problem.





Diagnostic report # ot607e0629b9d4f536bd904e878e37ad6f


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