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Landclass on Mt Washington, NH

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Overall, OpenLC NA is an amazing improvement on the default scenery and Orbx must be congratulated. However I don't know if anyone else has noticed a possible bug involving the White Mountains region of New Hampshire, an area I know quite well.  Here there appears to be some patches of incorrect landclass (suburban looking houses, road networks leading nowhere and a patchwork of fields) on some of the upper slopes of the Presidential Range of mountains which I know for a fact is not the case in reality! This was very noticeable on Mt Washington, where there were housing developments just below the summit, whereas in the RW there is just a barren tundra like Landscape at this level. The one or two low buildings and the masts at the summit are correctly represented however and overall the landscape of the White Mountains is a good representation of reality apart from these few isolated areas. Just thought I should bring this to your attention for possible inclusion in any future update.



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Someone mentioned this area/issue a few days ago. Hopefully it is being looked at for the service pack. I've noticed that exact same texture is called in several other areas I've visited and it always seems out of place; on my PC it's also one of the autogen issues with black/missing textures. Kinda makes me wonder if it's maybe calling the totally wrong texture or something? Who knows. Either way I'm sure it will be fixed.

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