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Precision mouse and keyboard


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My boy is building a new PC, so dad is giving him some of my old bits.

So, I was looking to update my mouse and my keyboard. I've got the Logitech G15, so he'll get good use from that and my mouse is just the old standard Microsoft USB laser.

We trawled the net and found this site:


Then I found that my distributor sells this gear. I've decided on the tarantular keyboard, the light that goes with it, the destructor mat and the mamba mouse.

The testimonials are complimentary and it looks to have quite a good name from what I read on other gaming sites.

Has anybody bought any of this gear?


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There over priced and most of Razer products to this day remain buggy go here and read up on what everyone has to say this will give you a better understanding of many of the issues not to mention many of the folks there have solved many of the problems the folk at razer couldn't do. It's your money but in my opinion Razer has lost me as a customer a long time ago they promote there products as we live by the mantra of "For Gamers. By Gamers" but to be honest some of there gamers must be tards who just have to have the latest trendy thing because some of there product sure don't live up to the most basic of needs/useablity not to mention months/years of failed firmware.


I should also warn you that keyboard started to split and crack up on the palm rest due to most peoples body acids and many other failings and with the mice rubber falls of the buttons making them hard to press and broken mouse wheels it's just a never ending story.

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Thanx for the info, but I'm a bit confused.

I thought you posted the URL to show complaints about the items, but it's a razer site and says nothing but good things about them.

I'm sure you are right about your own experiences. I've never seen them before and was asking the question to get feedback, before I go out and buy.

So thanx for the personal feedback.

Has anybody else anything negative or positive to say about this gear?


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Sorry you posted while I did yes they give good and bad points on the razer products but that site isn't owned by razer but it is a major support forum for them and yes like everywhere there is fanboys I'm just telling you like it is with no sugar coating and no BS attached. I have used there products and walked away it's just not worth it..........

Read Mamba


Read Tarantula


That docking light is the biggest load of cow dung one could buy it's useless in no uncertain terms your better of with a keyboard that is back lit so please Frank do your homework a little further you will thank me.

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Hi frank

Yeah the high end Logitech stuff is the way to go, by the way hows the new video card going and have you managed to push your i7 you could probably get it close or at 4Ghz should really open the wings on your new graphics card and FSX.

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I'm treading lightly, mate.

I'm not a big fan of OC'ing, so I want to do it right. Is there any sites you mite know that can offer some hints and tips to the process?

I've defragged the drive on my Win 7 drive, but the performance on my Vista drive seems better. I gotta try the buffer pools tweak and I'll let you know how that turns out.


Oh, and yes I am gonna buy the Logitech stuff. Like you said Jim, can't go too wrong with Logitech.

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I'm treading lightly, mate.

I'm not a big fan of OC'ing, so I want to do it right. Is there any sites you mite know that can offer some hints and tips to the process?

I've defragged the drive on my Win 7 drive, but the performance on my Vista drive seems better. I gotta try the buffer pools tweak and I'll let you know how that turns out.


Oh, and yes I am gonna buy the Logitech stuff. Like you said Jim, can't go too wrong with Logitech.

Hi Frank

Have a read here  its pretty much the type of motherboard you have as in the bios settings and guide will be no different to the bios you have . http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/cpus/2008/11/06/overclocking-intel-core-i7-920/1 Give it a go.

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Thanx guys.

That board in the vid is my board exactly.

I'm not sure about the 1333mhz RAM for OC'ing. Didn't somebody say you gotta have 1600Mhz to OC properly?

I'll take a look at the other URL and see if they say anything.

Good info, thanx.


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You will be pushing your system if you use the standard Intel air cooler. For the good and safe result I would look at getting Thermalright Ultra 120 eXtreme Heatsink and fan or the Zalman CNPS9900-Cu LED. I have the Thermalright Ultra with 2 x 120mm fans attached which work great. See sig for System spec's and overclocking result.

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Logitec Keyboard and Mouse here and as for precision mat, you might like to try what I use,  a slab of sandblasted aluminium sprayed flat black. I use small teflon buttons on the bottom of the mouse and thus far I've not had issues. Because of the VERY fine textured surface and the fact the mat is possibly 2 X the size of regular mouse mats I turn the sensitivity on the mouse down when precision is needed and up when speed is the go , as a result of the sand blasting the precision of the mouse cursor is quite high.

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I took notes on all of the settings in the vid from above and applied them, but it came up with a overtemp CPU warning.

It started but then shut down straight away.

I tried the second set of settings from the other write up and had a similar result.

HMMMMM, this overclocking thing isn't as easy as it seems.

I'm gonna go fly a bit with my new 1600Mhz ram and see how good it is before I try the overclock thing again.


P.S. Maurice, you're right, mate, the mouse is magnificent.

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