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Overclocked but reverts back to factory


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I have a great tutorial on overclocking with my CPU and MoBo, I have followed it to the letter. and successfully OC's my Q6600 to 3.0ghz, but after a couple of days use, I noticed on start up that is had gone back to factory settings. any reason why this would happen, I have made no hardware changes.

any advice would be great

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Not knowing anything about system I can't comment but when I overclocked my old E6600 on a Gigabyte MoBo I used this guide to get a very stable 3.2 Ghz


The forum may have the same info for your hardware.

Tweak in small steps and check stability before proceeding and keep notes on EVERY change. Cooling is very important and make sure you do not apply excess voltage to your CPU, in your case 1.38 volts maximum. Any instability issue will force the BIOS to revert to default.

Good luck

PS. I used this guide to get my E8600 to a very stable 4.0 Ghz

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yeah that's the guide i used also.

I will leave it at standard for now, I have gone so long with it, and will be updating soon, so i may as well leave it as is.

As for the instability I had no issues at all, so i am unsure why it reverted. never mind, I will OC my next machine from the start and get it right before I install anything on it.

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