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Uninstalling Issues


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Since installing all of the Orbx scenery shown, I find my computer starts to have sound problems part way through a journey in Europe or, in one case Australia.  This takes the form of sound distortion, with voice announcements noticeably slowed down and drawling, as if the processor is struggling to cope.   I am assuming this is due to the workload on my rather old I7 2600K machine, coping with more demanding scenery. Unless anyone has any suggestions, I am reluctantly going to try to remove the Global scenery, but probably leave the regional alone for the moment.  My question , then, is in several parts:

1.   How to recognise which default FSX folders/files have been backed up when the Global Base pack was installed, and where these might be backed up to.  (I do remember answering yes to the request to do a backup, but omitted to note the location of this backup).  I obviously need to locate these, if I am to re-install them into FSX.   

2.   Where do I put these back in the FSX directory?

3.   Can I then just remove the Global Base pack with the supplied uninstaller, or are any further manual changes to the scenery library required.

4.   Whilst I can find instructions on how to uninstall Vector, I cannot find them for OpenLC Europe, which equally needs removing with any appropriate adjustments to the scenery library.

As you can guess, I am quite a novice to poking around manually in scenery files, and advancing years means slower to understand how technical stuff works.  Any detailed help would be appreciated.




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