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Blueish spot when using OpenLC EU7 and EU5


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When fjying over Spain or Turkey I noticed Blue areas here and there, without any specific form, more especially in mountainous zone.

 Such defect does'nt appear in other countries Under EU6, 2 4 and 10.

In order to eliminate possible uncompatibility with other scenery addon, I have used the sceney.cfg file original of FSX and still the problem remains.

Is there something to configure within FSX to correct this deffect. Of course I have Global base installed but not Vector since this last software produce small stutters in flight.

Thanks for any help.

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It sounds like your settings are too high for your computer to handle, and so parts of the scenery are just not loaded at all. To confirm this, you should post screenshots that show the problem areas.


Are the holes light blue? Do you see this same colour when you first enter the sim, and the surrounding scenery has not yet finished loading?

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