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A Personal Message to All FSGenesis Customers and Friends . . .

Jay Kae

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An email received from a long time friend of FlightSimmers across the world, Justin Tyme needs your help guys and I would consider it a personal favour to myself if you could help him out. VOZ has been helped in the past by Justin with sponsoring and a few other bits and tids:

Thanks to a spike in sales as well as the generous donations from more than 50 friends and customers, the immediate crisis this past week was averted. I appreciate the kindness and generosity, as well as numerous well-wishes that were received. It is humbling and gratifying that so many have expressed their concern about whether FSGenesis (and my family) survives this severe economic downturn.

Unfortunately, a week later, we are right back to the same trickling sales that forced last week's appeal. Obviously, the donations saved the day last week, but they are not a long-term solution. A return to previous sales levels, or something close, is the only thing that can solve this problem in the long term.

In considering a budget, I find that a mere 5 or 6 sales a day of either the FS2004 or FSX Media Bundles would pretty much solve the problem, allow me to pay the overhead, costs of good sold, and leave enough to draw from the business to remain current on my personal financial obligations.

When I look at the overall historical sales figures I see that, although there are thousands of you out there who have most everything we offer, and the vast majority of you are very satisfied with the quality of the product as well as the customer service, and the forum chatter about FSGenesis is overwhelmingly positive, that we have still only tapped into a small percentage of all possible serious simmers, possibly as little as less than ten percent.

This begs the question, why have sales been so pathetic? And what can be done to tap into that other 90% of serious simmers who would be making a good investment in a top-quality worldwide terrain mesh package?  While paying for advertising would probably create some new sales, at this point in time it's a catch-22--no available funds to allocate to advertising at present sales volume. But the best advertising is word-of-mouth anyway, and that's where you come in. If you have enjoyed the FSGenesis Experience and it has increased your immersion in the simulated MSFS world, please send your friends to http://www.fsgenesis.com. Get the word out, sing its praises, spread the word, encourage other simmers who have not yet upgraded their terrain to do so.

We are the only terrain vendor out there who offers so many distribution options, from immediate download to full media packages shipped FREE worldwide.

FSGenesis has over the past ten years been a labor of love. The fact that it at one time also provided a comfortable living was just icing on the cake. Unfortunately, economic and financial realities now dictate that full-time production must take a back seat to supporting the family. Obviously, we would rather continue to produce quality addons that the community loves, but sales have recently not been and are not now sufficient to allow that production time on a daily basis. Should sales soon return to nearly previous levels, we are prepared to ramp up new production quickly. Meanwhile, the FSG Store will remain open and whatever orders come in, and whatever service/support inquiries that are submitted will continue to be handled in a timely manner.

Obviously, increased sales and many new customers are preferred, but if you already have everything FSGenesis has produced, have not yet donated, and you feel inclined to make a donation towards returning to full-time production, please feel free to do so. A link has been provided above on the right. Even small amounts from a large number of people can make an enormous difference and allow us to return to and sustain full-time production and will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance . . .



You can donate by clicking here

or purchase from them by going to http://fsgenesis.com

Thank you all!

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