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Suggestion for LC Alaska/Canada preview shots.


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I would like to know the locations where these shots were taken (not always clear), I would like to see top/down shots to see if there's any patterns (especially in souhtern Ontario that currently really suffers from it), I would like to see Ontario where 1/3 of all Canadians live (and especially the south),  I would like to see how major cities like Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, Ottawa, Edmonton, Mississauga, Winnipeg, Vancouver look like and their surroundings. The Niagara area would be nice too. I'm not interested in mountains because they're not that as interesting from a landclass perspective.


I also would like to see how the north looks like with a top down/view, I want to be convinced that the north wasn't just a quick, rushed job, just because few people are living there.

I don't demand anything, I'm just curious how all the other areas look, the same story for urban areas in Alaska.


So if any of the beta testers could upload such shots, also comparison shots if it's not too much work, it would be really appreciated.


Thanks and thanks to the beta testers who uploaded these previews so far.

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There will be more previews over the coming days and im sure you will see a lot of what you are asking for the testers have only had this a couple of days and are exploring around to find things you must understand its a big area to cover but im sure you will be satisfied with the preview shots as time moves on.



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