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Posts posted by Masterius

  1. I've just really noticed a noticable difference of frame rates between different airports (at least with my settings) when using the Global Airport Pack. For example, the default Randolph AFB is about 25, BWI is around 18, while Banff (admittedly just an airstrip and not an airport) maxes out at 62 because that's my setting for max frame rate as my monitor has a fixed 62.29 Hz refresh. When I uninstall the Global Airport Pack all of then run higher: BWI 25-30, Randolph 30-40.


    Has anyone else run across this and, if so, is there a way of fixing it?

  2. I'm rather surprised--and somewhat baffled--that there is no demo, because Orbx's own returns and refunds policy states:


    Change of mind
    Please choose carefully as refunds are not provided for change of mind purchases or if you have made a wrong selection.

    We recommend you carefully review the product information and any orders before proceeding to checkout.

    Orbx Simulation Systems Pty Ltd also provides gigabytes worth of demos and freeware items to clearly demonstrate what our products do and how they will perform on your PC. Our software is tested across various systems during the beta phase and is released with confidence that it works as intended.

  3. Prepar3d version; LINDA; FSUIPC6 Version 6.1.9; Win 10 pro; Orbx Central; Orbx Global Base 1.4.4; Vector V1.0.0


    P3D V5 is installed and runs from D:
    Orbx Central is installed and runs from C:\
    Orbx Global Base, Libraries, Vector located E:\Orbx


    Although the scenery library clearly shows Orbx being activated and added, and after being first prompted to accept the addons for both Global Base and Vector, nothing visibly changes. The world scenery is virtually the same with Orbx added as without. The left image below is with absolutely no Orbx added, it is pure stock default. The left middle image is Global Base only. The right middle image is Global Base, Vector, and LCNA. I see very little difference, if any, between them. Finally, the right image is the Scenery Library.


    Any suggestions or advice will be appreciated.







    5-global vector LCNA.png

    Scenery Library.png

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