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Posts posted by McCloud9

  1. 20 minutes ago, jjaycee1 said:

    @McCloud9  I have slightly revised your .ini to place KSEA Demo above Global Airports and the TE Washington files to allow the KSEA airport buildings etc to be visible.

    The rest of the .ini looks fine so i am not sure I can help. Your pic is not a good example because it is over an industrial type area and the ground detail is not visible enough. You need to be in a slightly more vegetative area to see the land and you will immediately see a difference between default and orthophoto ground textures. If your installation is complete and you still think you are seeing default scenery, then Verify the TE Washington files via FTX Central. But first go to a more rural area and check out the ground details.

    scenery_packs.ini 1.4 kB · 1 download

    -jjaycee1 Thanks again!  I'll try for a better example in the future and I will do more flights and look at my GPU setting's, but will verify my files first!   I'll see where that

    takes me.  Thank you very  much for looking over my file! 

  2. I'm afraid I'm probably posting this in the wrong place as it's about the new TE Washington scenery.

    If so I apologize and please redirect me.

    I'm not seeing any scenery as nice as some of the screenshots that have been posted.

    Load times are taking for ever and I dont see any reference to it under the addon tab in xplane.  I have a few other things that appear in the addon menu but I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to see.

    I have attached my ini file and a screen shot of the Seattle area to show what I see and I think it's just stock scenery.

    I have verified my files twice and see the folders for TE Washington in my x plane folders.  I'm not sure if it makes a difference that I got my program thru steam,  I should of known better.


    I looked thru my ini file and see the references to TE Wa scenery...but something must be out of order?

    Thank you in advance for any advice!  I hope everyone is enjoying their new scenery!!


    Cessna_310L - 2019-06-22 19.56.49.png


  3. Jjaycee1,  

    I believe that did it!!! First I moved the line of text for the ini file referring to the Needles to above the line for Global Airports..

    Next I loaded FTX Central and took some screen shots as I went through everything just so I'd know how it reads normally later, and it did 

    say everything was installed and I verified my files, no issues.  So I loaded up the EGHI and I've been flying with overcast skys, so everything was more gray than usual so I need to turn that off, but I'm sure I saw a whole lot more POI, buildings, Ships, Queen Mary II, IKEA, farmers fields (almost landed in one but didn't think I'd get back off the ground) so, I need to get blue skys above me so I can see more! After flying I went to the FTX Central and clicked on the demo to see the photos and what I saw did not look quite as amazing but it could be because of the gray skies, my settings possible too.  


    I really appreciate all of your help here!

  4. 21 minutes ago, jjaycee1 said:

    @McCloud9 Hi. Your ini looks fine except your entry for Needles should be above Global Airports. Orbx installation puts it below Global Airports for some reason.

    Now as to why you are not seeing anything of the demo baffles me. I only have full versions of the TEGB series, you are saying that if you create a flight from EGHI Southampton, then you do not see the TEGB scenery but the default scenery? I also don't understand the option you state as "Expansion Packs" as I have never seen that. Is it something that comes with the demo?

    All I can suggest at the moment is that maybe you try using FTX Central to Verify the TEGB South Demo files to see if you are missing anything.


    Hi Jjaycee1 and thank you!  I really appreciate your taking the time to review my ini file!  I will make the change you stated and see what happens.  I will also verify files with FTX Central, I think I did once but will do again to make sure, its my first time using FTX. And yes, what i have tried since I know that demo scenery covers 4 airports within its area I always start from one of them, EGHI Southampton and I do not see TEGB scenery it just  likes like the generic stock scenery, certainly no better than that.  As for when I go into the menu after starting the game to see what is there under expansion packs (Im so new I've only seen others do this in youtube videos so I tried it to see if the Demo was there but its not) there is an expansion pack showing for the KPDX airport I downloaded that was created by MisterX6, and when I select that a pop up box comes up and within that it shows the KPDX add on and one other below it that I believe is the creators library. 

    I'll have to do a screen shot.  I will go make the change to my ini file now and verify my files via FTX first and then see what happens and let you know, and again, thank you very much for your time and help Jjaycee1!!!


  5. Thank you jjaycee1 and Fizzelle for your advice! I followed it and have attached my scenery_packs.ini file to this reply.

    You can see in this file that I have rearranged the order of the lines of text from the portion of my ini file that I posted in my original post above

    based my "understanding" of how I thought they needed to be in order to work, but I still have something incorrect as the Scenery does not appear when I fly from any of the airports included in the TE GB South scenery DEMO pack.


    Also, when in the program if I select expansion packs, it will show the KPDX Portland International, as well as one other below that, a lua something, can't remember precisely what that line below said or how it read but thinking it had to do with library? I will have to write it down next time I bring that up in the program or take a screen shot if possible.


    Thank you for your help everyone!!




  6. Does this apply to the TE GB South demo? I downloaded the demo, and installed it with FTX but it did not show up when I opened the program, and then I went to start at one of the listed airports in that scenery pack but still no good. Then I came to the support forum and read your post then looked over my scenery.ini file and the airports were farther down so I rearanged them to the following...but when I loaded x plane the TE scenery still does not appear so I must still have something incorrect. Perhaps the OrbxlibsXP line of text? I'm new to the program but have successfully loaded one scenery pack for Portland OR KPDX and it worked ok for me. Thanks for any assistance you can provide! 

    Below is just a part of my ini file, perhaps I should have included the entire text file?




    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - London/
    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGLH_Needles/
    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_Demo_TrueEarth_Custom/
    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_Demo_TrueEarth_Overlay/
    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_Demo_TrueEarth_Orthos/
    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KSEA Demo Area/
    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/LOWI Demo Area/
    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Chicago/
    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Dubai/
    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Las Vegas/
    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Sydney/
    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_OrbxlibsXP/

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