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Posts posted by Airtrooper

  1. I'm considering a purchase of this product. I've read the product description and the following stood out to me...


    "Ireland has had particular focus by crafting a new mesh from ALOS satellite DEM data. Leveraging innovative techniques, the terrain has been enhanced and has had over 200 locations added with a remarkable 2m/pix resolution"


    "Low resolution areas in the current MSFS terrain mesh have been filled"

    "Gaps were filled with airborne LiDAR data, with 2-m resolution in Ireland and 1-m resolution elsewhere"


    What is meant by "low resolution" please? >2m perhaps? Can you clarify?


    The default MSFS terrain mesh contained much airborne LiDAR data (most/all at 1-m resolution, but perhaps some at 2-m) for England and Wales. The implication is that this product provides 1-m resolution from airborne LiDAR for all those location in England, Wales and Scotland that didn't already have it, thus completing 1-m coverage for the whole of Great Britain. Is this correct please?


    Another implication is that the whole of Ireland is provided at 2-m resolution (be that from airborne LiDAR or ALOS). Is that correct please?


    Many thanks in advance :-)


  2. On 11/30/2023 at 12:28 AM, Elbert John said:

    We always appreciate customer suggestions. Please know that your feedback about GB South has been acknowledged, and the ships will be removed.


    Many thanks for committing to the removal of the ships and their wakes.


    Will you also commit to the removal of any generic objects, such as chimneys, cooling towers, cranes (inc. dock cranes), masts etc. please? The value of this product is the bespoke objects and not the generic ones. Please consider anything which isn't bespoke as unwanted.


    Please be aware that in many cases the requests for changes to GB South simply repeat calls for changes to GB Central and North as well (which go back a long time). Will you commit to the same changes being made to these regions as to South please?

    • Like 1
  3. On 8/18/2021 at 9:32 AM, Airtrooper said:

    Lovely screenshots in the initial post, but can we have some side-by-side comparisons with default mesh (including some close ups) so we can see the improvement we're getting please? Many thanks.


    Ideally this is the kind of comparison I'd like to see (even without shots of the real terrain this would still be very good... comparison to the default terrain is the main concern).


    1618521693356 (2).png

    • Upvote 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, MasonDominique said:

    Does that mean that Orbx Alaska Mesh is compatible with third-part designer sceneries ?

    I already have Kodiak, Ketchikan, and more others.

    Will i encounter negative impact on these sceneries like elevation issues ?




    I'd definitely like to know the answer before making a purchase. I also have a lot of 3rd party Alaskan sceneries 


    2 hours ago, Ed Correia said:

    Unclear about the disabling question. The placed POIs have an exclusion/flatten poly as required. There is no ability to decide which objects display via a control panel or similar. 
    Objects do have PBR. 

    LODs are through texture optimisation as the majority are low poly/vertex count. 


    Many thanks indeed for providing detail regarding LOD and PBR :-)


    The other question concerns the ability to selectively disable one/some POI from the product (so 3rd party alternatives can be used instead).

  6. 22 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


    they are all bespoke scenery objects.


    They are all bespoke models placed singularly?


    Looking at the post linked to below from Orbx that means there are "nearly 500" bespoke models placed singularly. I'm just seeking clarification and confirmation that is the case. Many thanks


  7. 11 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


    to answer question 3, no it is not possible to disable individual objects.

    Here is the kml file we used in testing.

    Of course, one it is loaded, you will be able to see the long list in Google Earth.

    That should enable you to make your decision.

    placements.kml 255.82 kB · 5 downloads


    Many thanks Nick. That is great for me, but could you also provide a link to it on the product pages (web and Central) for other potential customers please.


    Following on from the KML, could Orbx confirm how many POI are individual, bespoke models placed singularly please, as opposed to objects being placed repeatedly (e.g. the caravans next to Caernarfon airfield)?

  8. I see this product was released today, but I find there is insufficient information on the product page (online or in Central) or on the Announcement page (which is now closed to replies) for me to make a decision whether to purchase. I'm like to know:


    1. Do all objects use PBR?
    2. Do all objects use LODs?
    3. Is it possible to disable individual POI (e.g. if a user wishes to use an alternative version of the POI)?


    Although there is a screenshot from Google showing the locations of the POI on the Announcement page, given there are so many (~500), this is very cluttered. Therefore could you post a link to the KML/KMZ file for potential customers to download an examine please? I appreciate the location of each POI can be seen in the Discover map in Central, but this really needs to be linked to on the product page also.


    Finally, a complete list (admittedly very long) of all POI by name and location (e.g. nearest town etc) is needed please. Again, I appreciate there is a scrollable list next to the Discover map in Central, but a list on the product page (inc. the website) would also be good.


    Once this are provided I'll feel I can make a decision. Without such I can't. I can't buy a product without knowing much more about what I am, or am not, getting.


    This also raises another issue. Once Announcement threads are closed to replies I see no obvious forum/thread where product questions can be posted prior to purchase (as opposed to post-purchase Support).


    Many thanks indeed.

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