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Wild Bill Kelso

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Posts posted by Wild Bill Kelso

  1. Besides this elevation issue at LDSP, there seems to be something weird going on with the terrain textures in Croatia:

    Descending into Split, I noticed ground texture tiles "switching" from one kind of coverage to another, e.g. green meadows to brown fields. This happens even way outside the airport's boundaries, so I suppose it has nothing to do with Orbx's airport addon.

    I use standard Bing data with no map enhancement installed.


    Back in FSX days, comparable issues occured when multiple landclass addons collided.


    Anyone else having this issue?





  2. Hi everyone,


    well, that's really a bummer, because this bleeding doesn't seem to be a visual problem only:

    I was just trying to finalise an almost perfect flight with the FBW A320 (still got a lot to learn on this beast!) from Strasbourg to Southampton with a rather smooth ILS to rwy 20 and nailed the touchdown zone straight on the centerline. All of a sudden, those nasty tectonic shifts appeared and trew my quite surprised Airbus upside down!

    No applause back from the cabin and I'm really not looking forward to the debrief at the Chief Pilot's office...


    Hope this glitch can be sorted out.




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