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Posts posted by jalbrech

  1. 1 hour ago, davyvfr said:



    I recently purchased the EA-7 Optica and have a major issue with the engine. When I takeoff the engine dies about 15 minutes after departure (I recently used Orbx Catalina). I can generally restart using Control + E and it seems to fix it in the air. On the ground if the engine dies it will not restart. This occurred when I sat at the ramp for a few minutes. Control + E didn't work on the ground either (seems to work only in the air to restart). The Garmin GPS will also stop working if I sit on the ramp for 15 minutes as well. All other default aircraft do not have this issue at all.


    I have attempted to fix this issue by reinstalling the aircraft from Orbx Central and this did not fix it. Also, flight model is set to Modern. Also, I made sure I do not have the mixture setting assigned to my joystick. 


    Please note this aircraft worked perfectly on SU5 and Hotfix 1. This problem just recently started with Hotfix 2. I am using the latest version of MSFS 2020. 


    Also, I have followed the checklist exactly. I have also tried just Control + E on the ground and then did a takeoff 5 minutes later. Same problem. 

    I had the same problem when using Control E.  I found that you need to turn the fuel thing just to the right of the left hand seat on by twisting it up or the fuel flow stops. Sorry, I don't know the technical names off the top of my head...


  2. On 6/10/2021 at 10:52 PM, VaderPaw said:

    Optica seems to be rolling left when airborne.


    Additionally, the elevator trim is sluggish, takes a lot on bravo throttle to effect the trim.


    I am using TCA joystick, bravo throttle and Logitech rudder pedals.


    I tried to play with sensitivities but alas no fix.


    Unable to determine the cause, is it hardware or software (model).


    ref: Flight Simulation forum


    I figured out the roll to the left. By default, the pilot's weight (170 lbs I believe) is set to the left seat. There is no one in the far right passenger seat. If you put the equivalent weight to the far right passenger ... the roll will stop. It took me a while to figure this out!

  3. 1 minute ago, jalbrech said:

    My First machine ever.  64 K RAM (with the add on piece on back).  Memories! 


    My first flight sim was FS1 on a 386 with 4 MB ram and a 20 MB Hard Drive.  It ran off a floppy.  Things have moved a bit in the past few years!



    Whoops, The Timex Sinclair had 4 K RAM internal and the block in the back boosted it to 16 K.   Whoo hoo!

  4. 19 minutes ago, b1bmsgt said:

    I took that pic at Flightsimcon yesterday, although I owned FSII for my C64 back in the day and had all the charts. Every so often I kick myself for getting rid of it...


    My first Flight Sim was also the Psion Flight Simulator on a Timex/Sinclair 1000 in 1982, which I believe was the same thing as the Z-80.






    My First machine ever.  64 K RAM (with the add on piece on back).  Memories! 


    My first flight sim was FS1 on a 386 with 4 MB ram and a 20 MB Hard Drive.  It ran off a floppy.  Things have moved a bit in the past few years!



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