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Posts posted by BigDBlue

  1. Hi Guy’s, My name is Phil Raulston. I just ran across this thread. Great idea. Putting faces to the people you meet in the sim’s and forums. I’m sorry to say I could only find one photo good enough to post here.

    A little about myself, I’m 62 and was born in Dallas, Texas, USA. I work in a factory that makes Automotive Air-conditioning compressors as a Quality Control Inspector. My co-workers started calling me “Blue†and I liked it so it stuck. It also happens to be my favorite color. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to use just “Blue†as a call sign because someone else was already using it. Being from “Big D†(Dallas) I started using “BigDBlueâ€, but my friends just call me “Blue†so feel free to do so.

    I have always loved planes and anything to do with aviation since I was in school. I read everything I could get my hands on about flying and planes. So when I discovered SubLogic Flight simulator I had to have it. I’ve had every version since the beginning. Flying on an old portable Commodore 64 with a tiny 4-inch screen. Right now I fly both FS9, and FSX. Mostly FSX. The only reason I still fly FS9 is because of some Alaska scenery, which is not yet available for FSX. I love Bush flying. And I use Holger Sandman’s Tongas and Mysty Fjords scenery. Now the Tongas Fjords scenery is available for FSX. So now, with the great new Pacific Northwest scenery I fly FSX in Alaska, Western Canada, and PNW. My favorite planes to fly are the Aero Commander in the Texas Livery, and the DeHavelland Beaver. So that’s about all there is to say about me. I’m just now learning to do Multiplayer flying with some of you guy’s, and am enjoying it. Hope to fly with more of you soon. Is there some other way to do multiplayer online without using Game spy? If so maybe someone can e-mail me and explain how it’s done. Till then,

    “Blue Sky’s guysâ€

    Phil Raulston, “BigDBlue†     bigd.blue@yahoo.com

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