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Posts posted by Paughco

  1. On ‎7‎/‎11‎/‎2014‎ ‎13‎:‎06‎:‎52, Holger Sandmann said:

    Hi guys, even better, the part of the DX10 fixer code that allows for the display of our new night lighting system has been embedded in the freeware version of the fixer available at Avsim: http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?CatID=fsxmisc&DLID=185080  (requires Avsim library login)


    Many thanks to Steve Parsons and Steve Waite!


    Cheers, Holger


    Holger: I owe you a beer!  Last weekend it was too rainy to go motorcycling, so I decided to  finally give in to that pesky little notification on my desktop tray and download and install Windows 10.  I can't stand all those little tiles, so I installed Stardock's Start10 software.  Now my desktop looks and feels just like good ol' Windows 7, with my A2A Comanche flying off into the Orbx sunset (with ASN weather).  Only bummer was, FSX did not work!  I played around for awhile, and finally got my secret number uploaded to Microsoft, so that part was OK, but whenever I hit the [Alt] key and tried a menu option, the screen would go black.  I could come back to the simulator by hitting the escape key, but the only way I could quit the program was to hit [Alt], [Enter] to go from the full screen first.   Somewhere I read that this could be solved by clicking on the DX10 button in Settings, Custom.  That was totally cool, except now I had these doggone black squares all over the place in my Orbx scenery. 

    So the choices were stay in DX9 mode, but go to the small window whenever I wanted to make a change, or go with DX-10 trial version and live with black squares.  Major bummer.  Only thing worse is having one of my motorcycles down. 

    In desperation, I logged on to Avsim and downloaded the program above.  What's the worst that could happen?  I ran it.  PROBLEM SOLVED!! 

    Thank you, Holger!  I owe you a beer!!


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