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Posts posted by pilotjohn

  1. 36 minutes ago, wain71 said:

    yeah the app automatically found the location and I take my shots as you have explained, however in p3d I would use the v key and Xplane I use the method in that sim...

    Weird, none of my screenshots show up under my flights. Does anyone know if there's a way to debug (options, logs etc.)?

  2. 10 hours ago, Ben McClintock said:

    At the moment, flights are automatically ended shortly after you turn the engines off. I believe this would be more common than leaving the engines on when people are doing multiple hops? Either way, we can look into a better way to handle this.


    Pattern work and airport hops without shutting down are a very common real life practice scenario (I've built more than half of my actual hours that way). How common these scenarios are depends on the pilot type. GA pilots certainly just burn fuel most of the time for practice.


    10 hours ago, Ben McClintock said:


    Are you referring to the landing challenges in Microsoft Flight Simulator? If so, we need to do some more work in that area.




    I believe there are relatively simply solutions to these:


    1. Either allow multiple landings per flight entry (including the nearest airports), or

    2. Split the entry if there was a ground touch, at the middle of the ground roll.


    For landing challenges:


    1. If aircraft changes, definitely start a new flight.

    2. If there's a position update that is more than some multiple (say 100x guarding for sim rate) from the previous position based on ground speed, start a new flight (this should cover most if not all repositioning).


    Maybe my expectation for Volanta are incorrect. Is this a "logging" and "analysis" tool (along with "something to do" in challenges), or is the plan for it to become a flight planner. As a logging tool I'm looking for something cleaner than Little Nav Map (which logs everything correctly), and to keep my route and path as well.


  3. Feedback...


    Please count a landing/takeoff as a start of a new flight, or at least allow it to be split. For those doing hops or pattern work, it turns into quite the mess.


    This is even worse if you're doing landing challenges, as it logs as one aircraft even though you may have used different aircraft for different landing challenges.


    As of version .76 the data quality recorded as a result of these issues makes it unusable.


    Little Nav Map has no problem with these scenarios.


  4. A couple of questions and suggestions:


    1. Will you be able to import your old flights (even with some missing data) just to have a unified log book?

    2. I've seen some screenshots that show touchdown rate. This is insufficient information to determine how good your landing was. Please at least records the following:

    - touchdown rate

    - touchdown G

    - heading (how well does this align with runway heading to see how well your crosswind technique is)

    - airspeed (anybody can land smoothly if you don't land at the right speed)

    - weight and flaps state (correct airspeed depends on this)

    - similar parameters for takeoff (liftoff airspeed etc.)


  5. Hi pilotjohn,


    I jot down all the suggestions, none of them have been "lost".  KACK Nantucket is in Pack 19, due out very soon.  Don't be too disappointed, these larger airports with very unique buildings are tough to do when we're using lib's of objects for smaller airports.


    Cheers, Neil


    Thanks for updates... all is appreciated.

  6. In case my pleas were lost in *dead* threads:


    KUUU Newport State

    KANP Lee (Annapolis)

    KACK Nantucket 

    KMTP Montauk


    And it would be amazing to get a set of Puerto Rico airports covered (except for TJSJ since there are some commercial offerings):


    TJCP (this is a heck of a place to get into)









    And lastly in the nearby islands:


    TISX (since there's nothing worthwhile out there for it)

    TUPW (not sure what can be done with it)


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