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Posts posted by Adam777

  1. 4 hours ago, John Dow said:


    This was mentioned in testing but the most up to date imagery we could find showed there are no aircraft type markings at the stands. This shouldn't be a problem when no airbridges are there as alignment isn't so critical. Aircraft are always marshalled in so for authenticity you should have a marshall crossing arms where he/she wants you to stop. 

    I agree with what you have to say and understand that it isn't really critical. Also, here are some photos of type markings at the stands.

    image (17).png

    image (16).png

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  2. Hi Ken,


    Impressive work with YMLT and I enjoy flying in and out of the airport, apologies for being nit-picky but I was just wondering if you plan to update the apron and taxiway to have a more accurate representation.


    I have looked at Google satellite view of the apron and taxiway and have found a few missing markings, inaccuracies and more not listed in the key issues below.

    Aircraft type writing on the stand lines are missing (this one confused me as I was not sure which line to stop at).


    There are also some ground level issues as some spots have dips in it.


    I just thought I would let you share my view on YMLT as some may have the same and hope that it is addressed.


    Also great work with the modelling and texturing of the buildings especially the sharp hangar and freight terminal.


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