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Posts posted by Blade912

  1. I have a lot of Orbx products for flightsim 2020, I love them. The new GB North, is good but it could be great. Most of the houses in the new towns are nothing but coloured boxes, which ruins the immersion, when you are low and slow. Please can you correct this oversight. A lot of the reviewers, will pan you for this. It could and should be fixed asap.


    On another topic, after waiting months for the Sydney cityscape update, the harbour bridge is still doubled up. Please please please, sort it.

  2. On 5/7/2022 at 6:59 AM, kennethjkerr said:

    Well........ Great product concept, and a welcome addition in many ways, BUT.


    Yes, there is a but.


    So far I have only flown over the Inverness area, and down to Fort Augustus. I lived at both places. And here are my thoughts.


    1. Inverness Kessock Bridge - Wrong road platform height in comparison with the road on the north shore. Wrong overall bridge height. Wrong colour. And the scale is way off. Look at any picture of the bridge and the dimensions of the structure above the road platform are greater than the dimensions below the road platform. In the Orbx example these dimensions are visibly about equal. What is more damning is that a freeware Kessock bridge exists on flightsim.com and is ten times better than this payware example. So how do I delete your Kessock bridge while continuing to enjoy the landmarks you got right?


    2. Inverness Eastgate shopping centre. You missed a large portion of it. Where is the part which houses Marks and Spencer? It is a flat photograph in your product. This is a half-done job, and it is glaringly obvious.


    3. Culloden viaduct. You have used brick texture which would make each brick about one hundred feet long. Come on, that's shoddy workmanship and smacks of a rushed job that is sub-standard. The bridge also looks too short and stubby.


    4. Fort Augustus locks. If this is supposed to represent something pleasing to the eye of those who fly low and slow, you need to go back to the drawing board. Fly from the south, and you are met with a jarring structure which sits above the surrounding land, instead of blending into it. Yuck. 


    Folks, I was wildly excited about this release. You have worked on locations that are personally dear to my heart, but the quality is sub-par in the above landmarks, and instead of adding to the sense of pleasure, it is detracting from it.


    I genuinely applaud you for both the effort, and the product concept. Ten out of ten for that. But if this first look at an area I know is anything to go by, this is got to be a version one, and not in any way a final release. I will keep using it, but I encourage you to do a better revision when other people notice any deficiencies in landmarks with which they are also familiar. 




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