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Joe Pascal

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Posts posted by Joe Pascal

  1. I'm please to report that after finding an old 500gb SSD behind the sofa and migrating a bunch of other games to it, Orbx Central took about 20 minutes to convert the files and I've already flown over my house several times :)


    Also I can now see the 3rd piece of the Great Britain puzzle (The North) is now being offered to me for discount price!


    Never would have thought a 27gb download would need 300+ gigs of space to do it's thing, but you guys apparently pack those install files denser than a black hole, so...


    Appreciate the help!

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  2. Okay so I finally got the initial file downloaded.


    I've attached my central.log file since I've now been keeping an eye on it for the last hour and nothing much seems to have happened. In fact the repeating message reassures me that "0 / 11880" have so far been converted. One hopes this might speed up a little.


    Perhaps you can take a quick look at the log to make sure it's doing what it should be, thanks!


  3. Thanks for the reply John.


    In the end I terminated the Orbx program in Task Manager because it hung and wouldn't do anything. Then when I restarted it, the download had started afresh. Checking my hard drive free space confirmed that all the data I'd just downloaded for the GB South package had been removed. Currently I'm about half way through the 27gig download again, so we'll see how it goes. 

  4. Is there a problem your end today?


    Trying to install the GB South pack and getting intermittent "Connection Interrupted" message. It took 8 hours to download the 27mb initial data overnight and when tried to install, the whole thing hung for 2 hours with no change in the progress bar so I cancelled the install and started the process again. Which seems to include the initial download and assumedly I have another 8 hours to wait.


    By the way I downloaded and installed the GB Central pack yesterday quickly and without issue.


    And yes, I have plenty of hard drive space (200gb as I check now) and my temp/backup files are on that drive.

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