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Posts posted by HypePerformanceGroup

  1. 6 hours ago, bvdboomen said:

    While I am excited with all the heli news, I'm a bit concerned about Asobo not bothering implementing a native helicopter flight model in the engine anymore as more helicopters will likely follow. I do hope those external flight models remain working well in future MSFS releases as they seem to be tweaks (or hacks?) to a fixed wing flight model. That's the FSX way if I am not mistaken.


    Let me clear up some confusion. Our flight model isn't a tweak or a hack on top of the fixed wing flight model.


    There is very little concern that Asobo will break our H135 with a future update because the flight model is being injected into the sim, we are not on the contrary taking the sim and hacking on top of it as is widely believed.


    The concerns regarding Asobo's eventual native helicopter flight model should be minimal for users, the only thing developers of helicopters will have to decide at that time is if they want to use the flight model developed by Asobo or if they will continue to inject their own flight models.


    Note, with our H135 there is no need for an external application so this should be a painless experience for the users - you guys only need to decide what aircraft's flight models you prefer most.


    Sorry for the novel - one last note, this isn't entirely unique to helicopters - there's a few payware aircraft I own that also inject their own flight models into the sim, you guys just don't notice (that's a good thing).

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