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Posts posted by Butch

  1. Hey Dex, (Rick)

    As filipino, I of course grew up in... the Philippines.  ;D  Which happens to be made up of only 7100 islands.

    That being the case, most people have a passion for the sea and if your not on top of it you'd be under it. In short, I am a diver too, about hmmm close to 900 dives under my belt. I noticed your are / where an instructor so this may blow your mind... I never got certified.  ;D To make things even more exciting, back then we didn't have dive computers, it was a table, depth gauge and your watch.

    Added advantage of diving in the topics... shorts and t-shirt is all you need, no wet suits required so you can pee when you want. Hahahaha!

    One of my most memorable dives was a shake out dive in front of the resort to about a 140 feet, very scary as its pretty dark at that depth. My flash light imploded but my swatch watch remained intact.  ;D



  2. What a great thread, so nice to see and read about everyone!

    Ok here I go...  ;D

    Real Name: Butch Menchaca

    From: Sydney - Northern Beaches (near Long Reef)

    Story: my dad got me interested in flying, used to imagine flying bombing missions while sitting in my 'cockpit' made of an upturned stool and a map of Europe. My first flight sim was the original Falcon 1 (which is what got me into computers) FS was 5.0, since then I've had nearly every flying sim worth its CD or DVD.

    I also love FPS's started with the original Castle Wolfenstein, Doom, Quake etc, now I am on to COD WAW. Known as Butchmeister, we should start a OzX clan...  ;D ;D

    Married, 2 kids and 'Monte'... always worked in customer service, airlines, paper industry, telco and now toiling for an office automation company. 

    This is me with a friend  :-* and my daughter on a recent trip.  :D

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