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Outstanding! LOVING ORBX!

Jack Sawyer

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I just want to say thanks for all your unbelievable scenery.  Tonight I bought and installed Southern Alaska and went to the compatibility forum and read and printed what they said about UTX USA & UTX CAN.  That little DOS batch file worked perfectly!!!


I went to PAJN and flew over a glacier and landed back at the airport.


This scenery is so UNREAL!




You guys have the absolute BEST scenery, bar none.  And the support is awesome.  Shout out to Jarrad who helped me several times.




I am buying more and more and more, it's like a drug.  Not ONE OOM, not one problem so far that couldn't be resolved quickly.  I wish I had discovered ORBX a long time ago.


Sorry for the rant, I just have to tell you guys how much FUN it is!


Best regards,



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I can't imagine FSX without ORBX now. Best scenery developer on the planet no two words about it. My only wish is that I was smart enough to become a developer so I could help them release more and more and faster and faster! Coz you just can't get enough of it!

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I agree. Today I'm gonna download some more of their free stuff. Have to wait till July to buy more. :(

Hi Rob, I plan on enevtually having all their stuff. I like their PAJN, looks awesome. I don't really have a home base. I basically get an area and fly around it low and slow and enjoy the sights. But now I have so many regions that it would take me years to check it all out.

When you fly in FSX it makes you realize that despite what people say we really do live on a large planet. I wonder if someone could land at all the airports in their lifetime?

What I especially like to do is fly around and see some neat valley and go in it and discover some town or dam or powerplant or something like that I wasn't expecting. Wind farms, lighthouses, and just all the cool buildings. It's all good.

Well worth the money, I tell everyone now about Orbx.

Best regards,


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