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Newbie question about FTX Central 2 and how to make active.

Jack Sawyer

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I just bought and installed Sedona.  So now if I want to fly around Sedona do I have to have Global active or is okay to leave it on North America?  I kind of don't understand how this works.






G'day Jack, 


Everything in the Sedona coverage area will not change irrespective of what region you have FTX Central set to. The differences will be found, however, in the terrain outside of the photoreal coverage area. Either FTX Global or FTX North America will work perfectly fine, the visual differences around Arizona (and indeed the US in general) will be negligible between the two. If you have your region set to Europe, Oceania etc you will notice terrain anomalies (odd-looking landclass etc) and possibly incorrect autogen types. 




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Thank you all for explaining this to me. I appreciate it.

I have to tell you, Orbx stuff is absolutely brilliant. I was stunned by what I saw at Sedona. I flew a circuit in the A2A Cherokee with the GTN750 and made a nice landing on 03. The scenery and the detail on the airport are amazing, makes me want to fly there someday and have a look.



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