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Don't see any difference between new Australia & GEX.

Jack Sawyer

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I have all of the UK installed and it's very detailed.  I thought Australia would be the same but it seems a lot different, it looks like almost no difference between the (yech) GEX Australia I have installed and the Orbx Australia region.


I have no global, yet.


Could someone please tell me what the coordinates are of the Australia region screenshots on the main page?  I'd really like to go there and compare and see if it looks the same.  Australia is a huge continent so it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack to try to find those areas.


I can see a difference in the houses so there mush be some difference, but I don't see those beautiful coasts.  Where do I go for them?


I would really appreciate any help at all.


Best regards and thanks,



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Aus was Orbx first big release some ten or more years ago..The only real update that I am aware of was the release of SP4. If you don't have that you may want to get it, other than that what you see is what you get. As an Aussie, I have to say that I find the package fine, and you can purchase many addons or DL the 300 or so airstrips for free from Ozx. Teecee.


PS. I don't think Global and Vector change much in Aus Lawrence.

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Aus was Orbx first big release some ten or more years ago..The only real update that I am aware of was the release of SP4. If you don't have that you may want to get it, other than that what you see is what you get. As an Aussie, I have to say that I find the package fine, and you can purchase many addons or DL the 300 or so airstrips for free from Ozx. Teecee.


PS. I don't think Global and Vector change much in Aus Lawrence.

Teecee, please tell me where I can download these 300 airstrips.

Thank you.

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But can anyone at all tell me the coordinates of those screenshots?

I've often wished the SLEW info could be made available for product shots like that ... so we could set them up ourselves and compare. Maybe not on the actual pics (don't want to spoil them) but in a linked text file - or in a mouseover tooltip.


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You should post some screenshots with coordinates and information of flight so that's easier to investigate

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Jack, you came out of the worst airport in Aus, no one has ever done a decent update for this airport, as you will see if you search the forums. other than that what is your complaint here? Teecee.

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Oh, I had no idea.  I'm sorry if I seem to be complaining but it just doesn't look any different than the default FSX.  Can you give me a better place to go to look and see a difference?


I disabled GEX and checked it and no difference.


I do have all the Australia selected in the scenery library and Oceania is selected in FTX Central.  Please remember I am new to Orbx and am learning.

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Ok, another set of questions about FTX Central 2.


I installed Australia, it looks fine but I WISH I could find those areas where the screenshots were taken.


This is what happens.


FTX Central 2



FTX Aero - Build March 2012

Coarse 2048 x 2048

Yellow and Black

Click Apply

"Aero has detected that the following file has been updated since Aero was last run."


Four boxes:

OK to overwrite files in FSX

Copy file to your own backup

Make file the Aero default

Do nothing with this file


What should I do?

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Hi there,


looks like FTX AU isn't properly installed and GEX remains active; see my screenshots below of the same area. They are taken in P3Dv2 but the textures and autogen are the same in FSX.


Do you have the 13 FTXAU... entries in your scenery library menu plus FTXAA_ORBXLIBS? Did you install the current Orbx libraries from our support page as the last step and then cycled FTX Central to Oceania and hit Apply? Do you have any add-on landclass entries at higher display priority that might overwrite the FTX AU files?


Cheers, Holger 




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Thanks for helping Holger.


The first thing I did was to use the GEX control panel and disable Australia.  So I know it's disabled.  I am downloading FTX Global right now but it will take a while and I plan on uninstalling GEX all the way.  I do not like it.


Here are the screenshots from my scenery library I just took.  It looks like I have not 13 but 14 AU listings:







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Hi Jack,


that would be at Priority position lower than 38 in your current layout of the scenery library menu. The idea is to keep third-party landclass add-ons like ST at lower display priority than the Orbx/FTX entries so that you have the correct Orbx scenery within Australia while still seeing the ST landclass in the remainder of its South-Pacific coverage area.


Cheers, Holger

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