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Second Solo!


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Hi All

I flew my second solo this morning, I'm pleased to say there were no major issues with the aircraft this time. ;D

Canberra was fogged in this morning, fortunately it cleared around 8am (yesterday it didn't clear till almost midday!). The aircraft was C150 VH-WWS again. The seat appeared to have been repaired, I spent a few minutes giving it a good tug, sliding back and forth and making sure it would lock into place. Went up and did 4 circuits with Terry, no dramas (the obligatory engine failure and no flaps approaches). Landed, grabbed a quick drink (all that talking on the radio made me thirsty!) and refueled the aircraft and put some oil in, then went up on my own for 5 circuits.

ATC were busy as usual, lots of RPT coming and going. There's a smoke haze today and spotting traffic was difficult, a couple of times I was asked to report sighting a virgin or qantas jet on 2-3 mile final, and I only spotted them over the threshold! The first 3 circuits ATC had me stay in close to help with sequencing, so I had some steep approach practice. My landings are improving but I did flare a little high a couple of times today. Last 2 circuits were bog standard left hand, approach speed spot on, landings good, and I walked away quite pleased with myself.

Next week is more solo circuits, no dual check before, just have to be signed out by an instructor (have to ok the weather).


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Way to go Vincent. It sounds like your doing very well.

No dual check before next weeks flights? Wow, I am 50 minutes of flying time away from doing my licence test (I am told everything was signed off a few flying hours ago) and my instructors still do two circuits with me before letting me go on a nav! The only exception was two weeks ago doing a solo nav when he just said something like 'you still know how to take off don't you? off you go then" :-)

It sounds like you guys would get good at staying our of wake turbulence pretty quick. At my airfield it is all small GA stuff so I haven't had to worry about it myself yet.

I have found that I am getting better at spotting aircraft. I was worried about it early on because at my place they are so darn small.


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Thanks Guys.

No dual check before next weeks flights?

Yeah, I was surprised too, but I just checked the lesson plan, and it looks like I've skipped a lesson as I've already done the equiv of the 3 solos time wise. This morning after we fueled up he said "go as long as you like", I would have too if I didn't need to be at work.

It sounds like you guys would get good at staying our of wake turbulence pretty quick. At my airfield it is all small GA stuff so I haven't had to worry about it myself yet.

I have found that I am getting better at spotting aircraft. I was worried about it early on because at my place they are so darn small.

Actually the ATC do a pretty good job of it, the make sure we stay out of it... there's no such thing as a standard circuit at YSCB.. every one is different.


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Actually the ATC do a pretty good job of it, the make sure we stay out of it... there's no such thing as a standard circuit at YSCB.. every one is different.


Ain't that the truth! It certainly keeps you on your toes and creates the occasional "TAV, confirm left circuit?" call just after take-off :)

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Ain't that the truth! It certainly keeps you on your toes and creates the occasional "TAV, confirm left circuit?" call just after take-off :)

Yeah, had one of those moments today.. got a late clearance on one approach as a RAF vip jet was on 17 crossing 30 (backtracking to 35 for takeoff) and it was close as to whether they would be clear. When the clearance came I was about 2 seconds from having to go around, the circuit direction didn't stick in the brain and had to ask after takeoff.

And yes, I'm having fun ;), I'm doing something I've always wanted to do but for whatever reasons wasn't able to until this year. Highly recommend it :)


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Yeah, had one of those moments today.. got a late clearance on one approach as a RAF vip jet was on 17 crossing 30 (backtracking to 35 for takeoff) and it was close as to whether they would be clear. When the clearance came I was about 2 seconds from having to go around, the circuit direction didn't stick in the brain and had to ask after takeoff.

That reminds me. I actually got a go around and an appology from ATC on Sunday. He cleared us for approach but had to call back and say we'd be too close with another aircraft landing on 35. So, being the little guy, we had to go around.

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Good on you Vincent!  How long till you start Navex's?

A while yet, another 17ish hours of training for GFPT and then it's navex's.

My lesson for tomorrow has been postponed till next friday morning because there are no instructors available... :(

Bugger, I can see that happening here too.. the school has a bunch of full time cpl students and it's getting harder to book flights, a couple of times I've tried there were no planes available!


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