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ENNK Narvik preview - Runway

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Many thanks Tore for your quick reply i really appreciated your words...not to say i'm enthusiast ...!!

And may I suggest Andoya, for a future project ...?!!  ::)


Thanks for your awesome works!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yes some time, I'm not understand why this project are again in the freezer ... In the first time I think that's because Orbx waiting the Norway FTX release  ... but this FTX are available a long time ago ... And that's the first time an FTX area are available without FTX airport add on
Also, for Bodo, I'm remember this beautiful project, ready for release there is 2 years ago ... http://www.bodoscenery.net/?ac_id=1&ac_parent=1
But just before release, this scenery right buy by Orbx and after, also put in the freezer ... ( just for not write, Orbx killing this project ...) !   
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Welcome to the FTX forum and your first post.

Contrary to what you believe Narvik is about to enter beta testing by the team and is almost complete. When Tore joined our team he studied many of our techniques and re-worked his two projects using many of our technologies. I can promise you both Narvik and Bodo will be much better products now that Tore has spent a year with our team.

These airports will now also benefit from the eight years worth of R&D, Flow Technologies and objects contained in Orbxlibs.

Sometimes good things are worth waiting for.

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......... When Tore joined our team he studied many of our techniques and re-worked his two projects using many of our technologies. I can promise you both Narvik and Bodo will be much better products now that Tore has spent a year with our team.

These airports will now also benefit from the eight years worth of R&D, Flow Technologies and objects contained in Orbxlibs.

Sometimes good things are worth waiting for.


ORBX team is a kind of  "MIT" in the scenery makers world... from there comes out only the best of the best!!


JV many thanks for having clarified the state of the two projects !!

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