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YPEC Aeropelican - Released!

John Venema

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If you've pre-paid, you should soon get an email from FSS which will allow you to download and install YPEC.

YPEC will be generally available for purchase this time tomorrow night.

We're very, very proud of this airport and we hope you enjoy it!

The YPEC Team - Andreas, JV, Graham, Holger, Tim and Paul.

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Just gave it a whirl! Great stuff, but I think I really need a better system. I can't really enjoy the more populated areas when I get blurries all over, even at 140 knots. Guess I have to go for a quad core and a GTX 260 or something like that. And Vista probably isn't a bad idea either. orbx... you make me poor. :D

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I'm just downloading Aeropelican 1 hour ago and after a fly my first impression is:fantastic.

I'm 70 but when I download a new Orbx product it is like a child receiving a new toy and I suppose there are other guys like me. Strange to say? Am I doddering? Maybe but thanks for that.


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Congratulations Guys what a fantastic piece of work been flying around for four hours and i must say its great well done to all of you that have been involved with YPEC roll on later today after work for more exploring,



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Can't seem to be able to prepay at the moment. No Add to Cart button  ???

Pre-pay finishes the moment the product is released, and then there is a 24-hour exclusive period for all customers who pre-paid. The motto therefore is: Pre-pay early for the gloating rights  ;):P

EDIT: Oops, Adrian and I are in sync, LOL!

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Hang on a minute! Something seems to be out of plumb with Lake Maquarrie - where is Pulbah Island? I couldn't see it in the screenshots shown in another post.

I lived at Blacksmiths for many years, quite close to the airport at Pelican and have spent a great deal of my life on the water (the Lake and the Channel) and from the screenshots on the other post Wangi Wangi Point seems much too close to the foreshore at Swansea.

I haven't obtained the product yet but can someone who has take a look and see if these are in fact anomalies, particulary if someone knows the area.


John G ???

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Thanks, Meatycus...I am re-assured that all is as it should be (I have to go for laser treatment next month because of "capsula opacity" and I reckon that's why I'm not seeing clearly at the moment - but I will be after that).

John G :)

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Many thanks to the ORBX Team. I live not to far from Aeropelican , pass there just about everyday at work and its not a bad fishing spot on the lake end. Now, all I need to do is add Munnibung Hill (my backyard) near Warners Bay on the nothern end of the lake. Cheers to ORBX !!!!

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Hi there - Question about GA aircraft. I've been in and out of YPEK quite a bit and its absolutely great but am yet to see any of the GA traffic doing circuits that are supposed to be there. No other aircraft parked out front as shown in the pic above either but I have noticed that if I taxi over the grass squares that I now assume are their parking spots I get the dreaded "crash" and need to start all over again. (I've got the GA slider maxed)  Is there a tweak to get them and  second question, if so, can it be transported to other airports ?.......Laurie

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Hi there - Question about GA aircraft. I've been in and out of YPEK quite a bit and its absolutely great but am yet to see any of the GA traffic doing circuits that are supposed to be there. No other aircraft parked out front as shown in the pic above

The GA traffic you see at YPEC are all default FSX aircraft from your main Airplanes folder. If you have deleted any of the aircraft folders or changed the 'titles' within the aircraft config file, those aircraft will not appear.

Another reason could be that you have one or more FS9 traffic files installed and active within your FSX system. One FS9 traffic file will suppress all your FSX traffic files.

If you still have no GA activity at YPEC after checking out these items, then come back and we will look for something more sinister.

Could you also quote your YPEC order number in any further correspondence on this issue. 

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Hi Graham,

My YPRC O/N is 24978-

I recently disabled a lot of the FSX aircraft as I considered many superflous and thought it might speed up the FSX load time so when you mentioned that I thought 'Beauty'  - I  went thru and re-enabled them all again but got no joy, still only nice little grass squares out front of the hangars and yes, I do have the scenery complexity set at extremely dense.

Which brings me to  your point about 2009 stuff. I didnt have 2004-2009 but a friend may have loaded some bits which may have a 2009 origin. Question is, how do I identify 'em ?

I also may have 2002 in the bowels of my programmes so  will find and delete it -

I just had a look and I still have static aircaft at Port MacQuarie so I guess they are at other airports too.

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Which brings me to  your point about 2009 stuff. I didnt have 2004-2009 but a friend may have loaded some bits which may have a 2009 origin. Question is, how do I identify 'em ?

FS2002 and FS2004 are not a problem on their own. It is only when you install traffic files from those Flight Sims in your FSX installation that you will have a problem.

The best place to start looking for FS9 traffic files is in your Microsoft Flight Simulator X/Scenery/World/Scenery directory. Could you please list all the files you have in that directory with 'traffic' in the title.

There are a number of other things we can do to find these files but we will start with this simple check for now.

There are AI aircraft at Warnervale, Aeropelican and Jandakot. The Jandakot aircraft textures will not have installed if you had the Beach 58, C172 and DC-3 aircraft disabled when the airport was installed. If you have Jandakot then I suggest you run the install again now that you have the default aircraft enabled.

Avalon has AI aircraft but they are only there if you have the FTX AU Traffic addon installed. The Avalon Airshow mode also has AI aircraft but they are provided along with the installation file.

Can I suggest that if you want to stop default aircraft from loading and appearing in your Aircraft selection menu, that you just disable the aircraft 'Panel' folder. That way the aircraft will still be available for AI use.

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Tks for your time Graham and the quick reply -

in my........ /world/scenery I have the following traffic files

traffic bgl; Warnervale AI bgl; C152 UGW.bgl; Aircraft.utb; boats.bgl and GA.BGL

I didnt buy Jandicot, Orbx w'vale (I have ozx) or Avalon.

I only wanted to reduce the number of types in each aircraft category - What I did was to go to each of the cfg files, put ' // ' in front of the type file of the ones I didnt want,  renumbered those  aircraft that I wanted to keep and saved the result. I couldnt see how I could disable just some aircraft thru the Panel folders as you suggested.

I sure would like to see some aircraft and action at YPEK so I look forward to hearing from you again.


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traffic bgl; Warnervale AI bgl and boats.bgl are all fine. The main suspects are therefore C152 UGW.bgl and GA.BGL. I'm not sure what Aircraft.utb is.

Can I suggest you first disable C152 UGW.bgl and GA.BGL by changing their names to OFF, ie. C152 UGW.bgl.OFF and GA.BGL.OFF, and then see if you have any aircraft at YPEC.

Removing the Panel disables the aircraft completely as you said so if you only want to disable certain variations, then that is a little more complex but can be done. We'll sort out your main YPEC problem and then we can come back to this.

Incidentally, do you by chance have AI Flight Planner installed?

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Hi again - Well I turned off the two traffic files you suggested - No result so I turned off the Aircraft.utb one also. Still no aircraft at YPEK and no, I dont have AI  Flt Planner, only the planner that comes with FSX.

Sorry, this is being difficult/ frustrating for both of us.............Laurie

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